So many people struggle to make strength and size gains because of a few basic principles that have proven themselves for decades and even centuries are ignored because they don't look cool.
So if you're part of that "I saw it on youtube" crowd or maybe you're just stuck in a rut, Pay attention and most of all, put these tips to the test.
Here are 5 hard hitting truths that will get you stronger and if you're sensitive, they might even break your heart:
1) Having a beard & tattoos does NOT automatically make you stronger.
Strong is Strong and Weak is Weak.
You have to add weight to the bar to get Stronger. THAT is where it all starts.
No amount of beard or tattoo will change that. Ever.
2) Eat like a Farm Boy
Adjust the calories of course depending on your activity level and age.
Stop eating the fake, fabricated crap that some 13 year old kid can make in his Mom's basement.
Eat REAL food.
Eating like you did when you were a teenager and now you're 30s, 40s, etc will NOT work the same. Stop looking in the rear view mirror while trying to move forward.
Eat clean, Train Mean.
Meats and Veggies. Simple and Effective.
3) STRONGMan Training + Odd Objects
Get under some heavy, awkward shyt! Sandbags, Water Filled Kegs, Farmer Carries of ALL types....
Our latest update to The Underground Strength Academy will show you how to ATTACK your training.
You'll see Athletes flipping tires, pushing cars, sprinting stadium stairs with weight vests on.....
We've lost respect for the basics and intensity.
Too much fancy, not enough results.
4) Be In Shape!
Pump that heart!
Sprints, Runs up Hills, Jumping Rope, Sled Drags and Sprints.....
Being in shape Never hurts you, it only helps you train harder and improves your recovery.
5) Rep Work for Hypertrophy
Often times you need to get that bodybuilding work done.
Get your reps in on the basics for your supplemental work. You don't have to count the sets of reps all the time. Push the pace, rest, go again.
- Dips / Chins / Push Ups Bodyweight Bodybuilding Style
- Dumbbell Presses / Rows from All Angles.
Sometimes I push and go for 100 total reps. Other times I just work and keep it THAT simple. No thinking, just Working.
I'll finish with this.
Be INTENSE when you train.
Texting between sets, etc is a break in your concentration and shows your lack of fire.
I once caught a kid hiding behind the desk in my gym texting.
Once is an understatement.
I've seen this from kids who were recently cut from their sport teams. I am confused by today's world so I prefer to pretend those things aren't actually happening!
What's more important?
The cell phone can wait and don't worry, the world isn't going to end if you train like a Savage for 45-60 minutes.
While many claim to have no time during the holidays, you can claim greater strength.
When you sit down for a holiday meal, you earned it.
Now go punch those excuses in the face!
Live The Code 365,
4 Responses
hahaha, …
love that qutoe about the hair.
man – i’ve been wearing some hair in the face for nearly 25 yrs. a year ago i had to cut it after i spent too much time with pale, doughy looking pear-formed 20-something year olds. good stuff. first thing in the morning – cut that shit off. π
Sven, do what makes YOU happy, I felt by not shaving in the regular I was being lazy and lacking discipline
So, I shave every 3 or 4 days.
Train almost daily myself, gotta keep that edge!
Nice and inspirational as always.Well,you really love the real workout.True:a keg is great,a sandbag…It’s nice to be getting the newsletter advice you send in my mail,too.
Billy, thank you so Much for taking the time to read them :)!!