3 Truths About Success




Some TRUTHS about Success.

For sure, the haters & cry babies will argue these points, complain, blame & repeat......

That's fine. You're the prey, the hunted.... WE are not!

For the Predators & The Hunters, we shall keep on Hunting.

1) You Sleep In - If you REALLY wanna F**ing WIN, you don't need the alarm clock to wake you up. You're on a MISSION & sleep gets in your way of getting shit done and climbing your own Mt. Everest. If you sleep in and talk about being a success that's ALL you are at the end of the day... a talker.

2) You Do what others don't want to do. In fact, you don't want to do it either, but you realize that it's not about liking it, it's about DOing it.

3) You do the work without needing others to motivate you. You don't care who sees you or not, you just do it, without hand holding, motivation, inspiration or someone else laying the road map for you. The bottom line is you simply DO WORK.


In the end I realized that there are simply 2 types of people in this world, whether it be sports or business.

The Predator or The Prey.

You choose WHO you are and WHO you will Become.

If you've got added tips about success please drop them below.

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7 Responses

  1. Yo Zach, this article reminds me of LTC (RET) Dave Grossman’s speech about sheep dogs, sheep and wolves. I had the opportunity to see him speak in person, now that dud has some insight I think you would appreciate. Keep plugging away brother..

  2. This is one of my favourite quotes and it applies to all aspects of life. If sh*t isn’t working for you, try doing it a different way. Don’t whinge don’t whine just do it!

    “Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.” Albert Einstein

  3. Zach this is so true. I haven’t needed an alarm clock in years. Rockin the new bodyweight program and hitting PR’s every time. Awesome! Have to work on my pulls though this is my weakest area I’ve found. Handstand holds are tough as well but I’m holding them for 30 seconds. My goal right now is to hit 60seconds. It will happen. We all must be in touch with our inner beast and stop at nothing to achieve the ultimate goal STRENGTH!!!

  4. Pencilneck says:

    Wow! That training montage was truly inspirational! Gave me chills. If that doesn’t get you fired up to train, you might want to check yourself for a pulse!

  5. Agreed. If you want to get somewhere you have to bust your balls. I am doing a physical job right now with lots of walking but I still find time for training. When you can’t get quantity you have to go quality. Great videos.

  6. nice video montage! now im really inspired to go to the gym!

  7. Awesome article! That dude speaking from his heart is one of the best videos I ever seen too! And those 3 points cover so much, hard to add to it! I love point 2 – it apply it to “eat for strength not for taste” when trying to down some sardines.

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