7 Ways to Keep Your Edge and Become a Gladiator


scotty winston rutgers

There are times when you think you're training hard.

Soon, someone else comes along and pushed you outside your comfort zone. Suddenly you're not as strong, as fast or as tough as you thought you were.

It's happened to me and still does to this very day. But, this is why I do it. I need to keep my edge, I FEAR losing it. There are ALWAYS holes in your armor.

I've been exposed to plenty of new methods lately and some of them have busted me up. Some are me simply going back to where I started. Sometimes you need a reminder and sometimes you need to get your ass kicked.

7 Ways to Keep Your Edge and Become a Gladiator:

1) Train with reps in the 10-20 range. If you're always training heavy in the 3 - 6 rep range, prepare for an ass whoopin' and a wake up call here. High reps AND heavy weights will take you to another level, prepare to fight through mentally, NOT just physically.

2) Rather than doing 3 or 4 or 5 sets per exercise, set a goal of total reps, such as 50 total reps of benching your bodyweight, 100 total reps of mixed bodyweight pulling, etc. When you hit the half way point your body starts to fatigue and your mind starts playing tricks on you, telling you to stop. Charge onward.

3) Train with people younger than you AND beat them at EVERYTHING they do. The young guns seem to have limitless energy and this is why you wanna train WITH them. Treat the workout like a war, do NOT show them you're tired and push yourself to the NEXT level.

4) Train with people stronger, faster and better conditioned than you are. Nothing can motivate you more than getting your ass handed to you during a workout. Knowing you can't let it happen again will force you to train harder even when you are not around these Dudes.

herschel walker sprint5) Run as MANY different ways as possible. Run with sleds, the prowler, up hill, in the sand, sprints, longer distances...... any style of running you are NOT used to is what you need to do. Feeling like you're gonna toss your cookies means your pushing yourself.

6) F**K Science. Who the hell cares about science for EVERY freaking workout!?!?! Sometimes the workout needs to be a wake up call to show that you need to step up your game in life AND lifting.

7) Compete. Compete against others NOT just yourself. There is always someone better than you are. Competition makes you vulnerable and shows more holes in your armor. Competing can be scary. Being scared is good. Face your fears and push to become a better man or woman.

Speaking of Gladiators....

Check out some training from The Rutgers Wrestling Team, who I now call The RU Wrecking Crew. They've made the transformation since we've begun training. At first, the workouts exposed the and shocked them, both mentally and physically. Now they are dominating the workouts.

I see the eye of the tiger and how they push through fatigue as if it no longer exists. We still have time ahead of us to continue the transformation.

You'll see one of my first clients, Scotty Winston, training in the rain, who went on to become the only undefeated wrestler in NJ History, now in the running for a national title.

Time to take a trip into The Underground......

Here is my Question for you:

How are you keeping your edge BOTH mentally & physically?

Drop a comment below and let me know!

Lead from the FRONT


PS: I'm adding full blown videos and special reports to The Underground Inner Circle. You can follow Underground Experiments and exchange ideas with other hardcore strength and muscle building fanatics. You are the average of your 5 closest friends.

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22 Responses

  1. Christopher Reed says:


    Nice post; timely in fact. I couldn’t agree more with the above precepts. I was actually talking to a teacher and former wrestler, reminded me of the former you that you frequently talk of – starting out with a gym in his garage but WHEN Mark takes massive action (& he will) he will undoubtedly be kicking some major a$$; & all from the comfort (or discomfort – hehe)of his garage!

    We had an awesome convo – talking about all things training, all things combat and all things life forged by time under the bar. It takes a certain mentality to accomplish what others would lead you to believe you can’t.

    I was echoing to Mike in the discourse of our convo the sentiments that first made me gravitate toward you…“f#ck normal people; they get normal results” I live this motto now. I qucikly attached this statement to a credo of the Navy SEALS“We get more done before 5am then most people accomplish in their entire day.”

    I have such respect for the Armed Forces; if not for any other reason then their mentality. I have 4 heros in this word that make me believe in the impossible 2 of which are the Incredible Hulk and the other – the men & women of our Armed Forces.

    This people make me believe in the unbelievable. The soldiers are proof positive of what you can do with a steel trap mindset that is 100% focused and motivated to achieve an objective regardless of what that objective is.

    Further, I think the above ideas regarding training equally carry over to business and life. Surround yourself by people that challenge you to constantly change and reassess your perspective & redefine your reality. I am very fortunate to have a partner (girlfriend) that always challenges me and encourages me to elevate my game.

    Business wise, MAN, I am one lucky fella to have mentors like you, Joe D, Pauly Reddick, Mike Stehle, Steve Cotter and Ken Blackburn to look up to and mentor myself and business after. Within my professional and personal network I count myself equally as lucky to be brothers in iron with Sincere Hogan, Pete Isip, Mario Amaral, Hollister Struck, Christian Vila, and especially Adam Toohey – these brothers provide a constant source of inspiration, encouragement and a sounding board for ideas and info.

    I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to talk to a fella like Mark without your help, coaching and support! So thank you! I am f#cking stoked to see everyone in October and sh*t will get blowed-up real big – no doubt!

    “AGE QUOD AGIS” “What you do; Do well!”

    – Christopher

  2. Great post Z. Love it. Your post fits the “gifts” you’ll be receiving soon.

  3. Great Stuff Zach as always!

    For me personally:

    Physically: Trying to maintain the strength to do 15 strict pullups and squat 225 x 20 for the next 30 years. I will be one bad ass 65 year old…haha..

    Mentally: Do and read what 97% of the general population is not doing and reading. Learn from those who have made it.

    Motivation – “When failure is not an option!”

  4. Dude that stuff is freakin sick LOVE POWER-BUILDING rock it out!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. You have got to push! Here I am in Norway unable to work (legally) until I get a visa (6-11 months). I could sit on my ass..or I could use this time to build up a badass business. This is what I am doing, I’ve got a goal and not a single person is going to stand in-between that and me. I am in a gym with strong as bulls power lifters and strongmen, these dudes are nationally and internationally ranked. I have become their friend by being a badass, I am getting stronger because I can see it is accomplish-able and I am using that to push myself beyond my limits. I tell the guys I train not to be a candy-ass, BE A MAN. I, sure as shit, am going to live up to that mindset.

  6. Zach,

    You’re a friggin stud – The Wrecking Crew was “Off the Chain!”

    YOU continue to “Over Deliver” and “Lead from the Front!”

    Way to Go – Stud!

    Tommy “No Neck TV” Pavia

  7. Zach,

    For me the way to push myself physically is to train with my clients at least once a week. This pushes both of us harder. Mentally, I try to learn as much as possible each day.

    Nice Stuff


  8. Goddamn it Zach! I’m getting really f***ing tired of starting to feel good about myself, only to have you come by again and show me how little I got going…. It never freaking stops, does it? Back to work….

  9. sick Z!! wut else can i say but just keep doin wut u do because only the STRONG & BETER CONDITIONED survive. see u at USC cert 2.

  10. ryan goetz says:

    hey man love the first one about high rep sets ive been doing low reps for strength the whole summer and tried some 20 rep breathing squats today wow what a workout

  11. i’m surrounded by guys that are either stronger, faster or more experienced than me in many different areas.

  12. I do a 12 wk program. 4 wks heavy, 4 wks 10-15 reps and for weeks 6-reps. then a tactical month, using the workouts from your site.

  13. I agree! There have been several humbling occasions in my life. Each one, forced me to open my eyes or give up. Giving up is not in my make up!

  14. Hey Zach,
    Just checked back to see the video again and noticed my earlier post didn’t make it. Hope you saw I was being sarcastic and didn’t delete me for a poor joke… seriously, I am, and continue to be inspired by your blogs and videos, they always show me just how much farther I have to go…. Apologies if I offended.

  15. Z

    You freaking nailed it again. And what about sliding in that picture of Herschel Walker? Just looking at him and that body he’s got everyone else in the pic destroyed and finishing first too. Bet many of the same things you talk about on this post is how he got down and still probably does to this day (He’s still got it). Thanks bro. Video had me juiced and it’s 12:30 am.

  16. Awesome! I find competing so much fun! Over here I haven’t found someone who is actually willing to compete, people sort of avoid that kind of confrontation…which is lame.

    The best drive and motivation I get is when I do EDT style workout.
    Basically if I want to add muscle I either do EDT by increasing the weight NOT the reps cos they end up in the high range anyway or I use Time/volume which is like a produce of EDT.

    If it’s brutalishis I love it ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. Love this post, i recently started giving myself a 100 rep target for 3 movements twice a week, so mon & fri i do squats dips rows then the nxt week deadlift chins D/B press and kettlebell work on wed topped off with 800 meters farmers walk round the sports track, its brutal especially as its 32 degrees here in south east asia ๐Ÿ˜›

  18. great vid and great tips, especially #3. the guy i just started training with isn’t stronger, faster, or in better shape, but he wants to close the distance between the two of us every day and every day i fight to maintain and extend my ground. like minded training partners are key!

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