Underground QnA: Combat Training & Endurance Training


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Let's grab some Questions from the "mail bag", ha ha, I actually wish we had more mail nowadays, all these e mails are TOUGH - but in a good way!

Here we go:

Question / E Mail # 1:


I've been following your strength training routines for a while.  I worked as a personal trainer for four years in a corporate gym that I won't name, and I had to be fairly secretive about using your methods because they would get me in trouble with the management.  Despite the fact that my clients kept coming back and telling their friends.

The main reason I'm emailing you is because I decided to give all of it up and move to Thailand to be a Muay Thai fighter.  My gym is very minimal, it's in my trainers backyard.  I have a punching bag made from a rice sack and a few pads.  I do all the strength training on my own, inspired by your methods.

Lots of bodyweight and animal walks. I have one adjustable 30 pound dumbell and a barbell made from metal and concrete that weighs 80 pounds.  Aside from that I have rocks and pipes for lifting and carrying.  Very simplistic, down to earth, getting your hands dirty kind of stuff.

After 8 fights I am undefeated.  Thanks for the inspiration and keep it coming."

- Michael -

ANSWER: Michael, Dude! This is AWESOME stuff. I REALLY respect seeing you going for your dreams so aggressively, moving to another world pretty much, representing to others how to live life by turning dreams into reality.

Here's a few ideas for your Underground Combat Training:

- Perform Barbell & Dumbbell Complexes & Hurricane Training where you intersperse sprints, muay thai skill work and the barbell movements such as snatches, clean & press, squats, lunges, rows and high pulls.

- Perform Loaded Conditioning - carry your barbell overhead for time interspersed with the clean & press, squats and lunges

- Perform Barbell & Dumbbell Throws Repeatedly for Power Development - snatch throws, clean + press + throw. Sprint to the barbell and repeat for extended periods of time.

- Continue with your bodyweight workouts and animal training methods.

Keep kickin' ass & please keep me posted on your success.

olympic lifter

Question # 2:  "I'm into cycling and running, but, with that being said I also feel that strength training and training for explosiveness is of great value to endurance athletes as well. I'm obviously not looking for size gains of any sort but I do want strength so I guess my ? for you is what do you think. I was thinking kettlebells and Plyometrics along with my base of running and biking."

ANSWER: This is an awesome question and something I've been experimenting with a lot lately, all from my past experiences and current.

Before we move on though, most think that plyometrics is simply any form of jumping. Plyos are actually where the feet or hands only have .15 - .40 seconds of ground contact time. These are variations of drops from objects or repeated jumps on the ground or on / off objects.

The critical thing is to keep improving your endurance in your specific fields and not to only focus on the longer, slower methods. You'll see CrossFit Endurance is changing the methods of endurance training by performing repeated bouts of higher intensity intervals. The repeated bouts contribute to your endurance and power output, allowing you to still perform longer distance but at faster speeds.

Using extra strength work will be of great value, but, you must find a healthy balance and focus on what is most important to you & what works best for you. Kettlebell training mixed with bodyweight will be great. I would also find ways to utilize barbell work for both strength and conditioning via complexes and circuits.

If possible, utilize sleds / prowlers as well. I hit a 1.5 - 2 hr mtn bike ride on Sundays and my friends woop my ass. Their workouts are circuits but with heavier weights and for extended time periods. I spent many years focused on strength & power so my ability to hang long term isn't too hot.

My point being, improve your strength and power, but focus BIG time on your conditioning, mixing in intervals at high intensity as well as some longer work as well. Kick ass and keep me posted!

Hope all of you enjoyed this lil' QnA.

If you would like to add comments, please do so in the comments section and share with friends via twitter or facebook.



Recommended Resources:

Diesel Underground Combat Training

CrossFit Endurance

Underground Strength Gym

Underground T Shirts

2 Responses

  1. Good stuff, Zach. Don’t forget about rope jumping. Every boxing champion jumps rope for quicker feet and endurance(I mean every single one). Can every champion be wrong… not likely.

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