Here's a question I got in the e mail box regarding Convict Conditioning.
Check it below:
Hey Coach,
I'm a 31 yr old FF. I recently bought Convict Conditioning and was blown away. I've always done bodyweight exercises to stay in shape. Lots of pullups and pushups and Squats. Used weight vests, TRX, perfect pushups, etc.
I started following Coach Wade's methods and was quickly humbled. My pull up form sucks, my range of motion on my pushups is horrible. Both max numbers for each exercise has drastically dropped. I'm starting to work from scratch.
My question to u is: how do u keep ur head in the right direction and not feel like a total pussy doing pushups on ur knees, or pullups with ur feet on a chair? I feel the exercises working and I'm doing them slow and smooth, but mentally I keep thinking about getting to the regular variation of each.
How do u go about keeping yourself cool about progressing properly??
Chuck, don't feel like a pussy, you're doing what 97% of the population wouldn't be doing and that's training like a BadAss and facing the TRUTH.
The truth hurts, and yes, you might be a Fat F**K but you're doing something about, action is the first step and the most critical step, even if you're taking the wrong actions, at least you are taking ACTION! So hells yea on that!
Now, about the mindset and feeling like a p**sy. Step one, man the f**k up and talk like a man, stop crying, whining and bitching like some chicken shit, you'll only contribute to the pussification of America, I'll have NONE of that at The Underground.
The way you talk will be a direct reflection on how you perform as a man and the results you will get from training. If you haven't done so yet, you need to read my Rules for Kicking Ass & Taking Names, it's a gift when you become a member of The Underground Inner Circle HERE.
Keep on following Coach Paul Wade's bodyweight training methods to the T, on your "off" days, go out and hit some hill sprints, on weekends go to an empty school parking lot, put your can / truck in neutral and push that f**ker around the parking lot until your legs feel like jello.
Eat like a Man.... get plenty of quality protein from various meats, fish, seafood and whole eggs. Lay low on the carbs if you are a fat f**k and have 1 salad a day along with 1 gallon of water every day (minimum). Stray away from excess carbs, especially dairy (minus the whole eggs). You don't need to add any estrogen to your body if you're trying to Man UP.
The mind is the glue and the engine that pushes the body beyond your comfort zone. Ditch negative people and look yourself in the mirror morning, noon and night, come up with some power talk where you remind yourself of who you are and who you are becoming. Speak with power in your words, stand tall, chest held high and bull doze through anything and anyone that stands in your way.
I also suggest reading powerful books written by men who have overcome great adversities, like this book, as well as listening to powerful music and powerful audio CDs. I am always reading powerful books, listening to some form of music or audios that improve my strength in body and mind. I'm always working on myself, bettering myself and pushing the envelope.
If you can't make shit happen it's YOUR fault. Always remember: your success or lack of is completely and entirely YOUR responsibility. You're already taking action, now it's time to take it to the 10th degree by training your mind and you will quickly begin to Man the F**K UP!
Now, even though you are focusing on bodyweight training, once a week go lift some heavy shit. Don't go to full blown failure, but a few heavy sets of 1 - 5 reps will do wonders for increasing your testosterone and helping you feel like a Man. The deadlift is perfect, but remember, use perfect technique and do NOT go to failure on the deadlift. Leave 1 rep in the tank and sometimes even more. Grab that barbell and rip that f**er off the ground.
You have the tools with Convict Conditioning, now let's take it to the next level HERE.
See you on the other side.
PS: Any man who wants to learn the ultimate in bodyweight strength, power and muscle building needs to step up and get this book, it's the most ass kickin' book on bodyweight training, bar none. Click HERE and take action.
PPS: I have rules when it comes to building success, kickin' ass & taking names. It's your gift when you become a member of The Underground Inner Circle. Click HERE & start kicking ass and taking names in your life right NOW.
2 Responses
Awesome post.
Wise, important post–well done Zach.
Body weight strength is amazingly underrated, and you are one of the pioneers bringing it back!
Thanks Zach.