2 Things You Need In Your Strength & Conditioning Training


After sharing this Video of Fedor to my IG, it reminded me how simplicity is crucial, as is intensity and your environment.

You see Fedor's training facilities and even his training, it's so simple yet very intense. Nothing fancy or complicated. The training blends his sports skills, builds his mindset and trains his body for Performance first & foremost.

That brings me to my question to make you think a little bit:

Why do some teams consistently win while others consistently lose?

As Louie Simmons says, "Sucky Coach, Sucky Athlete...."

Environment is crucial.

I have yet to see a lame environment produce strong, tough athletes.

The same teams under the same coaches consistently win.

And, look at geography. From certain areas of the world, we see the best athletes in the world come from these areas. Wrestling has it, Olympic Weightlifting has it, Football teams in the NFL have it.

It is in the toughest and most austere environment that the HAMMERS are built. The theme is consistent.

- Think Mike Tyson back in the day in The Catskills.

- Fedor early days of MMA.

- Even the early days of The Underground Strength Gym, back when I trained athletes from my garage, backyard and the playgrounds.

The athletes of early days Underground Strength Gym were tough and mean, training with tree logs, sprinting hills, dragging sleds in the 30 degree weather.

Comfort was the enemy and it still is.

When you train today, make it count.

Work yourself. Don't rely on everyone else or anything else. That's a BIG problem nowadays and even running my own private facility, I question it because nowadays kids don't go to the gym and learn on their own.

They don't make mistakes. They don't learn how to spend an extra hour at the gym talking to the old timers and learning from them. It's all handed to them. It's too perfect, THAT is the problem.

Intensity seems to be a rarity nowadays. Athletes consistently need to be motivated and fired up by a Coach or a Team of Coaches. Come on, get fired up on your OWN. Intensity!

This doesn't mean train stupid, you must still train smart but you need some intensity. Actually, a LOT of intensity. Listen to me, I'm already talking soft with fear that "it's too much".

Over training?

What about living the lifestyle and being obsessed about getting results through sleep, nutrition and intensity!

If you do something, MAKE IT COUNT. I just can't tolerate the abundance of mediocrity running the streets nowadays.

Simplicity & Intensity. Consistency on BOTH.

Don't be inspired by fancy training programs, wait until you see them in action or put them to use yourself.

Keep attacking LIFE.

Till the next time.

Live The Code 365,


Online Training with Zach

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