Sometimes you need to go overboard and take things to a "crazy" level with your training.
Shocking your body every once in a while is good for the sould. You will feel great overstepping the typical boundaries and rules of "weight lifting" and you'll get stronger because of it.
Back in the day, there was a HUGE bodybuilder named Vic Richards. He never competed, but he was a freaky gym monster. He never followed the typical rules, instead, he would spend time on an exercise. Maybe 1 hour of squats, or 1 hour of benching or 1 hour of leg presses.
I was so motivated that I would copy his craziness. Not the smartest thing to do at age 16, but I was so passionate for the iron that I couldn't resist. I squatted for nearly 2 hours and had to ride my bike home from the gym! I couldn't ride my bike, nor could I walk my bike.
Here and there you need to go beyond your limits. This is also why Vic started his training with two guys called the "Barbarian Brothers" who were known for moving massive weights and breaking all the rules of working out, which is also why they were the strongest guys in Gold's Venice.
I'm not telling you to train till you can't walk....but, by now, you know that breaking the rules is gonna have to happen sooner or later. Stop following the rules and start making progress!
This is exactly why I created - too many complicated, overly fancied up workouts that weren't giving people results.
It's time to break the rules.
What's your next step?
In Strength,
Zach Even - Esh
2 Responses
We had a blast with the “Parking Lot Beat-Down” workout yesterday:
Tire pulls
sledge hammer swings (15 reps L&R)
KB high pulls (15 reps L&R)
Wall ball (30 shots at 10ft target staring from a deep squat)
Max rounds in 20 minutes
Keep rockin’ ’em,
zach what you say is open mine to many rules to govern the body and souls…let free the spirit…¿who say strenght training is not fun?..painful but fun…