Episode # 70: The Underground Pull Up Contest!


First of all, Happy Thanksgiving!

I gotta haul ass and help get the kids ready since we're taking a 2 hr trip north to Pa. at my wife's Aunt & Uncle. Oughtta be some crazy times and I may even get to watch some Football!

My wife's Aunt makes a mean peanut butter - hershey kiss cookie, ever have them, they kill! ha ha

As mentioned about 6 weeks ago, I spread word about an Underground Pull Up Contest.

I've seen some vids from our friends here ranging from 32 all the way to 50.

Who got 50? Mike Guadango from Joe DeFranco's Gym - the kid is a beast and a hell of a Baseball player!

Mike Rojas, owner of Strong 101 Gym, part of the first ever certified USC Coaches, out in So Cal - the dude loves strength and has a killer set up, just opened a few months ago!

Below you'll see my vid and some thoughts on pull ups in general.


Pull Ups should be eaten for breakfast in my opinion.

Men under 200 lbs should be able to hit 20 reps minimum.

Why aren't there enough varisty athletes even able to hit 10 reps?

This pisses me off and there is too much time spent on the bench press and not enough squats, deadlifts, pull ups and the like.

Reply with a link to your Underground Pull Up Video and tell me your thoughts on the state of pull ups amongst others.

Have the best Thanksgiving ever!

I am grateful that you read my articles, watch my blog and believe in what I do.

Thanks from the bottom of my heart, I live for this stuff!

Kill it!

--Coach Z--

PS: Last year, on Thanksgiving, I had pneumonia! I was sitting on the couch wiped out with fever and chills. I am grateful for my health because without our health, we have Nothing!

7 Responses

  1. I think i posted this in another comment section, but what the heck ~ nobody seems to be puttin any videos up??! I thought Matty Holmes was gonna do 45 pullups??

    Huge props to Mike Guadango – impressive stuff for sure, and yeah i counted 26 on your video too Zach! don’t cut yourself short!

    Here’s my 37:


  2. PS —

    Zach you asked what we thought about the state of the pullup….

    HIGHLY undertrained! Every frat boy and “typical” gym goer wants a big bench and a six pack. Most of them don’t even know how to get THOSE, let alone a balanced, STRONG body. The posterior chain is chronically ignored (after all, why strengthen something you can’t see in a mirror, right??) and i NEVER, EVER see anyone doing a proper squat! Last weekend I saw a kid throw 235 on the bar and proceed to squat literally 4-6 inches down (knees going straight out over the toes) and he looked proud of himself!! i wanted to slap him in the face with the pansy ass neck pad he put on the bar.

    See? now you got me all fired up over the 99% of gym idiots who have no idea what they’re doing or even worse, who THINK they know what they’re doing and won’t listen to anyone trying to help them out. But hey, they can plateau and stop making gains even with all the creatine and NO2 explode sh** they’re taking while we keep getting Bigger Stronger Faster! fine with me! Keep doing what you do Zach – for those out there who truly want to put in the time and get under the bar, you provide a tremendous source of information and i for one have to say THANKS! (and happy thanksgiving a day late!)

  3. I don’t have access to video – thought I would before the time. I went from 3 to 5. Female, 113# – I’m actually pretty happy with adding two on to my reps. I’ll keep working. My goal now is to do 10 non-stop reps!

  4. so what’s the deal Zach?? Did you guys give it to Guadango or what? I haven’t seen/heard any announcements on the winner of the pullup contest!

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