Sometimes I get a bit fed up with things and I just dont wanna keep my mouth shut.
Let's talk training, which all of us should be here for, and, if you're a fitness professional, pay attention to 2 resources I'm gonna hook you up with.
I have received, no lie, a good 30 e mails and near 10 phone calls to my gym from a supposed "hard gainer"
He is always asking about the exact sets, reps and specific program he should follow.
He told me he has followed near 30 programs.
He has access to the internet, which, is loaded with so much information, much of it misinformation, that he is confused as all hell.
The dudes from the mid 90's and prior to had no internet and they got plenty strong, ripped and jacked.
I don't believe in this hard gainer bull sh&t.
It's called doing the wrong thing or not doing what must be done.
It's called hard work.
Get the job done, in and out...
- basics rule
- always try to get stronger
- eat like a mack truck
- eat clean, you know the difference between healthy and crap
He was following so many different workouts and never gave 1 of them a chance to work
If all he did was squat, bench and deadlift every other, always trying to get stronger, he would see powerful results.
Instead he wants to know if he should do the incline bench instead of flat bench, what about biceps, what about calves
F*&k the rules, train hard, period.
When you're tired of the BS out there, go basic and kill it with - see all the success stories on that page and you'll see what I'm talking about π
Now, if you're a Fitness Professional....
While 99% of your "competition" sits on the fence waiting for the economy to "get better", you will NOT wait, you will put the pedal to the medal, go full throttle, invest in yourself and
take more action than ever before.
Get your word out, hustle and kill it.
Stop crying, whining and complaining about the economy and make it happen!
This is what I teach those who take massive action and attend my Underground Strength Coach Certification.
Only those with a die hard passion to succeed should attend:
Now, get going ASAP and print out this article below:
I posted my most effective, a&& kicking marketing methods, if you dig it, vote for me as the top dawg π - show some luv!
There are tons more tips there, so read them and take action.
If you're serious about killing it, you want to attend The next Underground Strength Coach Certification. BIG changes and BIG things are coming to those who attend.
New Biz partners and I are gonna help you step up your game 100 fold.
It's time to be THE Hunter, NOT the hunted.
Kill it!