Pissed the F**K Off, Part II


I was just thinking to myself, after answering
many e mails today and yesterday, all about

training success and biz success.

The questions were all the same, ALL the same.

What I can not drive home enough is the willingness
and the ability to actually work, and I mean
REALLY work.

How did I get strong?

How did I pack on muscle?

How long will it take?

How did I build my biz from my
parent's backyard to a internationally
recognized business?
I F**ing worked my a** off!
I have been training since age 13, 33 now -
NO time off from the iron!
I had MANY, and I do mean MANY people
tell me to quit my business, stick
to teaching, be safe, get the benefits,
get the pension.

People told me to SHUT down my gym when
it was struggling.

I NEVER fucking listened to them and I hustled.

I still hustle.

I pushed when everyone said to lie down.

Haaa! If I would have listened to them...

Now we have a waiting list to get in the gym
of 8 people....and growing!

There is NO quit.

There is NO tomorrow.

Do it NOW.

It's simple.

If you wanna Kill it, then step up
to the plate and swing for the fences.

To be the home run King you must
understand that you may very well become
the strike out King.

Watch the video below.

It's a video I watch daily.

It's something I presented on at
a recent closed door internet marketing

All about the inches.

Do it!


You're either in life's top 1%
or you're going to get crushed.

Figure it out and do something about it.


PS: Yes, I'm pissed off!

Too many e mails coming from peeps
who are NOT ready to work and
hustle their a** off.

F***ing work, period.

PPS: Wanna work in the Strength & Fitness Biz?

Get to https://zacheven-esh.com/coaching.php

PPPS: Wanna work in Strength Training?

Here's a 7 Day Trial:

==> https://www.undergroundstrengthcoach.com/public/279.cfm

Watch the Video.... 

Comment below & post your thoughts on this video and my words...Speak your mind!

2 Responses

  1. Right on Brutha! It happens through you, not to you.

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