a FREE Gift on Tuesday Night!


Sorry for the late notice on this and my apologies for sending you 2 e mails in one day, but hey, it's f-r-e-e so who would be upset with free, right?

I am being grilled tomorrow night, Tuesday, October 21st on my REAL Man Muscle Building system.

The teleseminar begins at 9 PM EST, but try to hop on the call 5 minutes early because there are limited lines.

If you're a busy guy, try to get on the call so you can listen in and see what I do as a busy man and still get the job done in a beastly manner!

The info is here:


I am unsure if the replay will be available because I am not hosting this teleseminar.

Hope you're having a great week so far, %$firstname$%, and once again, sorry for 2 e mails in one day.

But I figured you wouldn't mind since it's a f-r-e-e gift πŸ™‚

Kill it!

--Coach Z--

PS: Feel free to spread the word to your friends or others who will appreciate this gift.

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