If you construct a solid strength and muscle building program then you are Golden. Well, not entirely. We have recovery, mobility, flexibility and plenty other lil' things to take care of.
Regardless, if you;re like me, you're addicted to being STRONG.
Watch this Video First, then read the article to fully understand what I mean bruddahs and sistas:
You notice all the different carries we did here at THE END of our workout. Inside our athletes were deadlifting and tearing into Heavy Kettlebell training.
Once or twice a week, finish your workout with a form of carrying any heavy object(s) you can get your hands on:
- Sandbags
- Dumbbells
- Stones
- Strongman Implements
- Buckets of Gravel /Sand
It doesn't really matter what the heck you carry, as long as it's heavy and awkward, you will develop tremendous full body strength unlike ever before.
Less is more here.
Crank a few hard sets and be done, no need to drag on a workout withour reason.
I also have some more kick arse videos coming this week.
You will love them!
Wednesday night, oughtta be quite the doozie!
Joel Marion, the dude who won Body for Life e mailed me and wants to check out The Underground.
I told him he can come only if he trains, and he was crazy enough to agree 🙂 ha ha
I'm gonna film as much training as we can and see if I can give the youngster an ace whoopin' 🙂
I'll be grilling him on how he got ripped to win the Biggest Transformation contest in the WORLD, Body for Life! If you go back as far as I do, I remmeber buying the Body for Life VHS tape for $ 15 (I actually asked my Dad to buy it for me 🙂 and the $ 15 went to a foundation that Bill Phillips favored greatly, I'm sure you know of it, The Make a Wish Foundation.
I'll grill Joel on his nutrition wisdom while I take him for some good ol' "Post Workout Nutrition" with some Jerzee Pizza next door none the less 🙂
I have received a boat load of questions on nutrition so if you guys have questions you want me to ask Joel on nutrition and getting lean and mean, post them in the comments section of the Blog and I will print them out and grill him with YOUR questions and make the video for YOU!
Kill it!
--Coach Z--
PS: Joel has a video where he talks about his "cheat to lose" methods for getting ripped, check it out here: ==> http://tinyurl.com/cwveby
PPS: 7 spots left for The Lost Secrets of Strength Seminar, Sign Up Here
PPPS: 2 spots left for The USC Certification on April 25 - 26, Sign Up HERE
7 Responses
I don’t know how anybody can want to go to a regular gym after seeing badass stuff like this
how much does that atlas ball weigh?
Dude, the first guy you showed on the stone was a beast.
Eric, thanks beast! Appreciate the great feedback bruddah and congrats to you on being RKC and kicking ass w/that!
It’s a 160 lb atlas stone
Dennis – man you have no clue bruddah, that kid NEVER touched weights till he went to college for Football
He is a rarity, he was a 3 sport phenom athlete in high school, most 3 sport athletes are NOT phenoms b/c they have NO off season
He began training w/us last summer after freshman football and then went back to school
he had the best football season ever and was the team stand out, then, decided to leave school and enter Marines
He went from a solid 240 to 212!
His legs are what are crazy strong!
The dude does zercher squats with 405 EASY!
If he zerchers 315 it looks like he’s pumping out reps w/135!
His younger brother stopped by last summer, age 14, rock solid 195 lbs!
Supposedly ALL his Uncles are 6’4″ on average and strong lumberjack type dudes!
Mom’s home cooking??? Maybe!!
Off he goes to Boot Camp!
Thanks for the comments dudes!
Awesome stuff Zach! I use a lot of mid-weight overhead carries (kettlebells, slosh pipes, barbells). I’m gonna have to rock something extra heavy after watching this video!
Great set of kids you have there and even better attitude!
Love it.
Killer way to end the workout…that one dude really was a beast! Scuffed up his finger attempting to pick up stone and continued anyways…that’s how it’s done lol!
Looking forward to post with Joel….i’d be interested to find out if he focuses on meal combining…protein/carbs…protein/fats etc. And how can someone pack on size if ur trying to eat lean or stay away from carb/fat combos! All about calories..but how to keep ’em clean!
Thanks Z!
guys – thanks for the great words
i will def. be asking Joel about calorie consumption for muscle gains / fat loss and how he combines nutrients
tomorrow night it’s on!