Are YOU Full of S**T? The REAL Truth About Success


i want it

I get tons of questions EVERY DAY via e mail, facebook, my blog comments, at seminars.... everywhere.

Most people are full of sh*t. They talk a BIG game yet do little or nothing to back up their words.

I also get requests for business coaching and training at my gym. Those who follow through after they "Talk" are far and few between.

Athletes ask me to train at my Underground Strength Gym, then I get a follow up e mail from their Mom / Dad saying it's too expensive. I ask if their son has a job, 99.9% of the time, they have NO job. Neither do they have the desire to GET a job to help their parents to make this opportunity happen.

Just another talker.

Aspiring Strength Coaches e mail me or message me through facebook or see me at seminars. They talk about how hungry they are for success, tell me they want to attend my Underground Strength Coach Cert or invest in Coaching.

They don't follow through. Just Another Talker.

College athletes tell me they want to be All American or a National Champ.... they show up for a few weeks and disappear.

Just Another Talker.

What you WANT and what you DO MUST be in alignment if you want to achieve Abnormal success. Do what everyone else does and you are normal. You need to do what others are NOT willing to do.

Normal actions = Normal success.

Just another talker.

I've done A LOT to create my success and I ain't stoppin'. I stay up late, wake up early, go the extra distance, sweat more, work harder, run faster, push through brick walls and keep charging.

NO Excuses.

Pay attention to the video below, watch it 10 times and let it sink in.

The only thing holding you back is YOU and the circumstances YOU have created for yourself. Period.

Lead from the FRONT


Recommended Resources:

Underground Strength Coach Certification (Last Cert of 2010!)

Underground Inner Circle 30 Day Trial

31 Responses

  1. Dustin Sanchez says:

    Zach this is an awesome post. If I were being honest with myself,I would say that I need to put this stuff into practice.

  2. @ Eliott:

    Answer: I an a real, stronger me.

    Or like you say: The Strongest version of myself

  3. No doubt bro!

    Good shit man! So true…people don’t want to put in the WORK!

    Action is where it’s at!

    The rest will be forever left in the dust!

    Leading from the front…for SURE!


  4. Wicked Sh@t

    Always bringin the noise Z. You are an example to all on what it takes to be successful. Thanks for all you do.


  5. Who Am I?: I want something special AND I’m willing to pay for it through SACRIFICE… I sacrifice sleep, entertainment and things that most average people think are necessities. I want it NOW, but I am willing to wait… to cultivate patience and grow in character.


  6. Zach, you just earned even more respect from me, this video may be one of the best you’ve put up. Do you know his name or what I can find it under on you tube? I had to sit back on that one man. WOW!

  7. That last line was great. I know from experience that I am usually the only one getting in my way. Unfortunately I have seen it with other too. It is easy to see it in others and hard to spot it in yourself. That’s why having good friends around to kick you in the butt and tell you truthfully what you are doing wrong is great. That job situation is ridiculous. Everyone should have a job by at least 16. Just curious, if you don’t mind me asking, how much do you charge to train/coach your athletes? Thanks for the post.

  8. Thank you for this one Z! i thought i was crazy not sleeping..but now I know that its the norm of successfull people. I was thinking ” man i need to sleep bc i dont get any” Not anymore…stay productive..stay hungry..THANK YOU Z


  10. ZZZZZZZZZZZ you must not sleep ! Great speaker I am going to put some of this truth to practice .

  11. Tim Stovall says:

    That was the most insanely accurate video I’ve ever seen! Like others that follow your blog, I to have thought I was crazy for not sleeping. I can rest when I’m dead! Right now, I’m a full time father, work a full time job, and attend college on a part time basis while still finding the time to kill it on a daily basis! Nobody said it would be easy! Easy is for cry babies and pussies! Real men work hard with a passion not seen very often these days! I can’t think of one thing worth having that doesn’t require hard work! Keep on inspiring and never give up Zach! We can’t let them take us alive!

  12. Z ! The only Level is the Next level ! IF you are willing to give up everything for something you will always come out on top…

  13. Christopher Reed says:

    WHO I AM

    Who I am defies convention through MY own invention – and subsequent reinvention. When you think you have me figured out – I will change. I will continue to grow, evolve and get better – and as I result I will remain restless, discontented and passionate about all I endeavour to achieve and choke out of my life.

    I know first hand that success is fleeting and is best enjoyed through the victory of those I CHOOSE to surround myself with and empower to be their best.

    I know that the mark of a good leader, a good coach and ultimately a good person is in the genuine nature of beneviolent action. A person who does simply for the sake of doing – not for reward or accolade but because in the darkness of night [or the breaking of daylight ;)] when head meets pillow I will sleep soundly and dream sweetly of the many successes that others have accomplished through my attentiveness to detail and need!

    Pain is an ally!

    Weakness is temporary – and a call for definative action!

    Rage is my first response to SECOND PLACE!

    Victory and public accolades are all an outward reflection of the culmination of a war that I have already won within myself!

    I will never lay idle, I refuse to collect dust and I WILL NOT hang my hat on the accomplishments of yesterday – I recognise that the blood shed today in training is the sweat lost in competition tomorrow.


    AGE QUOD AGIS “What you do; Do well!”

    – Christopher

  14. When you WORK for things instead of get them handed to you for FREE, those things are MUCH more valuable.

    It’s sad that most young athletes and people for that matter want things handed to them for nothing!

    Most people take the easy road of LEAST resistance or that to which is most comfortable…

    I say f**ck comfort for now and live rugged until I get my dreams accomplished!

    This mean sacrifice and commitment….

    TWO words most people don’t know anything about.

    I will take the road less traveled and BLAZE MY OWN PATH!


  15. An awesome post Zach,

    If this doesnt get people motivated then they are dead!

    I must admit, that I have been one of the people who wanted it but never really did quite enough. I then came across your site and things have changed forever, I am now following what you suggest and getting things done when others wont or think that I am crazy…..but the results are starting to speak for themselves.

    Zach you have truly saved me from myself and taught me to shut up and put up every day.

    Words are easy…actions are hard and they are what truly successful people live by!

    Keep it up bro, your helping more people than you think!

  16. Dan Pinzaru says:

    This is such a wake up call for me…….thank you Zach!!!

  17. I just came across your health and fitness blog. Your article about succeeding by pushing yourself to the ultimate limit was especially interesting. I especially liked your comments about the people that fall under the category of “just another talker.” I am adding you to my favorites. We’re in the same industry, the business of encouraging health and fitness. We market a product called The AbStand: We would love for you and your readers to check out our ab workout product. Any feedback would be appreciated as well. Thanks!

  18. Well I believe your actions have to be above your words. Like if you have 2 liquids in 1 glass, the action liquid should always be above your words liquid level. So if you want to talk big you CAN but only if you already did EVEN MORE than what you are talking about.
    Take Fedor for example, the man is number one, yet he never talks shit or provokes anyone like some fighters do, he’s as calm as a frozen penguin. So if I have great success following big ZEE’s workouts or business plans, I don’t even feel like talking about it, I already got my reward. The only reason I’m gonna tell ZEE about it is because I can give him some tiny speck of dust in return, you know, you owe him at least that much.

    This is a great story/example in the video. Find something you LOVE and there won’t be any sacrifices if you are super excited about your work, it WILL BE your FUN…sometimes when I read big ZEE’s words of wisdom I need to take a walk just to calm down so I can sit back down and keep reading, you need to WANT this sh!t sooner than you can read it, soak it all up.

    Sh!t this is a long post, sorry about that 🙂

  19. Thanks for that gem! Powerful!

  20. bookmarked and ready to go any time a single negative thought or the thought of backing down crosses my mind. thanks zach, this is great!

  21. Zach, loved this post and vid!

    Obviously you are a massive reader and probably have some audio stuff too, I was wondering if you have any awesome audio stuff, with speeches like that etc.

    Keep stuffing the haters!

  22. Scott, a GREAT web site for motivation is

    Also, I have 2 seminars where I discussed my business and another where I discussed my personal life, both along the lines of kicking ass in life and business, they will be released shortly brutha!

    Stay tuned!


  23. Great post again Zach!

    Really hits home, I’ve been guilty of doing a lot of talking in the past but the more time I spend on this site, your Crossfit journal vids – and an email you replied to me with not too long ago, lit a fire under my ass and encouraged me to quit talking and start moving!

    It’s amazing what happens when you take action and f*ck the naysayers!

    Long live the Underground Revolution!!

  24. Man… tremendous wake-up call. I’ve been wondering why I’m not getting more people into my program, why coaches aren’t calling me back, and wondering how much longer I can keep this going or if it’s going to work. This is my 4th month in business and I’m not where I want to be. It’s because even though I want it bad enough to do what it takes I haven’t been DOING it and in many cases I’ve worried too much about “how” rather than just relentlessly moving forward. I’ve allowed myself to become discouraged and now I’m wasting time. I shouldn’t be staring at this screen right now – there’s work to do.

    – josh

  25. Zach,

    What else can I say about that tremendous post? I totally understand where you are coming from. However, some of the women in my bootcamp class don’t quite see “the big picture.” They want the great body, figure, 6 pack abs, etc..yet, they tend to slack off when they start to feel pain or discomfort. I try to encourage them that this is the time they should really push themselves to the limit and go harder and faster. You can’t have everything you want without hardwork!!!

    Hopefully my ladies atNOLA Bootcamp will be ready to push themselves to the limit tonight!!!

  26. WOW!!!!!!!!!! this comment got me! “Don’t cry to quit! Cry to keep going!”

  27. Very well said. So powerfull and passionate. Watching it again. I can rest now(while holding 325lbs)nice.

    Nice post Z~

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