Are You Lazy?!?!


Whether you are a business owner or not is NOT relevant to this post.

Watch this video and let me know your thoughts, and, as a preface, if you're pissed off at this video, it's VERY likely I am talking about YOU.

[youtube width="640" height="390"][/youtube]

This is about work ethic, a requisite if you want to be successful in your life, your health and anything that you partake in.

I've held down jobs since as long as I can remember....

As far back as 2nd grade, I recall when Winter came and it snowed, my older bro woke me up at the butt crack of dawn to shovel driveways with him to earn money.

When I was in elementary school I held TWO paper routes at one time, one in the morning before school and another after school. I remember having $26 in my pocket EVERY WEEK after "collecting".

America has problems.... I have TOO MANY people crying for a refund of $12.95 or $19.95, telling me they don't have the money or they need to wait until summer until they get a job. WTF!!??

How is $19.95 a challenge for someone? I am safely assuming that these people have NO jobs. I bet this is pissing off many, or, perhaps you question why I am ranting here?

GREAT question you have. I am fired up because I HATE seeing people down in the dumps, BUT, I hate it more when these people aren't doing jack shit to get OUT of the dumps. I can't help you if you don't wanna help yourself. I've been in the dumps and it sucks.... BAD.

I remember crying myself to sleep as quietly as possible so my wife wouldn't hear me, with my back turned to my wife, as I wondered how the hell I would find a way to pay the mortgage.I had nightmares of our house getting taken away from us and I feared the embarrassment of failure beyond what my words can describe.

But, I did it. I found a way to succeed. I went after it, chargin' hard to make it happen. I did what others would NOT do. I did what others feared. I woke up early, stayed up late, worked through my lunches and prep time while teaching and used my sick days to attend business seminars.

I don't respect the cry babies.... I DO Respect the people who dig deep and GO for it, Brass Balls ALL the way. I've had MANY aspiring Strength Coaches fly to NJ (often times from overseas) and scrape together money to make it happen, so they could learn the skills via my Underground Strength Coach Cert.

These dudes had the eye of the tiger, they didn't say things like.... "I don't have the money....." Instead, they found a way to MAKE IT HAPPEN.

[youtube width="640" height="390"][/youtube]

[youtube width="640" height="390"][/youtube]

Think about that.... what type of person are you?

- The guy who Makes it happen....


- The guy who says I don't have _______ (fill in the blank with ANY word)?

You can choose to be a victim of circumstance OR you can volunteer to CONTROL your circumstances. The choice is yours.

Get off your ass....

Let me know your thoughts, drop a comment.



13 Responses

  1. Nicely done Z, Nicely done!

    Well played with the footage/clips, WS performance has just got me revved up! – Start as you mean to go on. – Start as you mean to go on.



  2. hey Zach great message to kick off the new year.

    I washed neighbours cars as a kid, which gave me the money to buy my first dumbbells and the famous Bullworker.

    Happy New Year Zach (and everyone who visits your blog)


  3. I only have 4 words to say after reading this post….I’M F*%*ING FIRED UP!

  4. Thanks for the video, Zach! Happy New Year!

  5. Grrrrrawww! Gimme my work or give me death! For the man who has no work has no play and just may as well be dead.

  6. GLYN Wyss says:

    Right on Brother ! Unfortunately we are the few who are awake ! And even we need to kick start every day ! Keep it coming ! GLYN

  7. Jack Darden says:

    Now that’s what I call inspirational!!!

  8. Dustin M. says:

    2012 IS the YEAR….

    Zach just lighted the cannon fuse with this post….It’s time to get movin’ boys n girls! Hoo-Hah! 1 Million Strong!

    Dude, i gotta tell you—it’s sickening how lazy people are now-a-days. Back then, my dad…my grandpa, my girlfriend’s dad—they all worked roughly 60-80 hours a week on a daily basis and could HACK it because that is what it takes to be a real man. Farmers around my town work from the crack of dawn until the stars come out at night. That is inspirational! I also have to give props to you Zach…you kept a roof over your family’s heads no matter what, provided them food, and you’re out there living the dream. Inspirational.

    One day, I hope to be living my dream as well…but I can guarantee you one thing. I sure as hell ain’t gonna stop trying, stop chasing, stop desiring…’s going to happen!

    2012…let’s start the year out with a bamg!

  9. Right on Z. What makes me even more passionate about what I do is following you. I listen daily to the I Love Marketing podcasts and try to implement it as much as possible.

    It seems like when I am stuck trying to figure out how something can be done, I check out what you are up to and boom you have done it. You hustle, do while others sit on their asses, and actually lead from the front. This makes me and I’m sure others know that it can be done and actually provides a little extra fire to my drive daily.

    Keep at it and can’t wait to see what 2012 brings big man!!


  10. Dang Bro thanks for that encouragement and for not holding back. Also thanks for being straight up in all your videos and posts and always keep it real homie and thanks again for the swift kick in the rear!!!!……..DO WORK!!!!!

  11. Zach, just started my 1 dollar trial of the underground inner circle. Really like the coach interrogations. So far I have listened to Marty Gallagher and Jim Wendlers. Really enjoy listening. Going to try Marty’s tip about the dumbell bench hold to increase Bench press strength. Good stuff.

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