Man, it's AWESOME to see those putting to use what they've learned during Underground Strength Coach Mentorship Courses.
Check out my boys from The UK, Zoran Dubaic and Sean Keefe. They sent me their opening highlight video and some good words and I am BIG time honored.
I LOVE seeing people following their passion and achieving their dreams!
They just opened their gym a few weeks ago, check the video below....
Pretty damn awesome, if ya ask me 🙂
And here is some footage of Sean, Zoran and the rest of the crew that attended an Underground Strength Coach Mentorship.
"Zach Even-Esh is one of the most inspirational people we have ever had the pleasure of meeting. His encouragement, support, enthusiasm and passion for helping others has been instrumental in helping us achieve our ultimate goal of owning and running our very own warehouse gym.
We traveled all the way from Manchester, England to complete Zach's Underground mentorship and it is the BEST thing we ever did! Thanks again, Zach, for helping us realize our dreams".
~ Zoran Dubaic and Sean Keefe ~
Directors of Strength and Performance Ltd.
Who else is gonna go after their dreams?
Drop a comment with your thoughts and / or questions.
Lead from the Front!
PS: We still have some room at the upcoming Underground Mentorships below.
But, this will be the last 1 Day Mentorship I plan on doing. Lots of peeps request them yet very few that request step up and sign up. I hate talkers, I wanna work with doers!
1 Day Mentorship - Click HERE for Details
2 Day Mentorship - Click HERE for Details
PPS: Talk about Action Takers!!!
We just had a gym in Texas sign 10 of their Coaches up for a private, tailor made Underground Mentorship. Now that's what I call a bunch of SERIOUS Ass Kickers Who Wanna WIN!
20 Responses
Damn inspiring!
zAc..i love the video,when it says you learn from the greatest,,and it shows,you and joe,,then dave tate,,and jim,,then the music in the background,,my spine is tingling,,itsawesome to see people live there dream,,and your impact…see you soon,,rich c,,
That was one of the most inspiring videos I have ever seen! Simply incredible guys!
That was incredible! Living the dream, never never never quitting. Zoran and Sean are inspiring-loved it!
inspiring vid. So happy to see this in the UK.
both people like these guys and you especially you zach have been inspiring me for ages. Just coming out of a battle with depression and i know the answer to being happy is opening my own warehouse gym. Its all i dream about. Ive worried if the UK would take to this sort of thing but after watching this vid you guys have given me the kick up the arse that i need!!! Thanks guys
Zach, expect a visit from me someday soon!
WOW! Thanks for posting this Z.
The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. ~William Arthur Ward
Your videos are the best way for me to start my day.
simply GREAT all the way around !!! so happy for everyone that was a part of that clip.
I have a small studio now, but I make it work. Looking forward for the need of more space. Keep doing what you do Zack. You’ve already helped me more than you could ever know.
I trained there yesterday. It really is as awesome as it looks!
looks just like your gym,Zach! Word is spreading…..
Well done! that IS the way to STEP UP!
Was that Stallone talking in the background? His words got me jacked up . . . to get success you must get hit down, but you must get back up! Great stuff!
Dude i got chills wachin that vid,very inspiring.
@Robcore I hope you get through man. You are correct this video is super inspiring and one thing I can say there is a lot of B.S. out there and market to this demo graphic and what not but I beleive if you are you and run things YOUR way people WILL be attracted to it and while it may not be for everyone. Those that do step up and train with you or in this style of training will get great results and you will have a deep sense of happiness and feel greatful that you have helped people doing it the way YOU love.
I will give you a prime example look when Zach smiles or starts busting out laughing he emits the happiness and energy that a child does without the thought of failure. This what allows him to be TRULY happy in helping people HIS way versus what is popular or what others say.
Robcore reach out to me brother. Are you on the Underground Strength Coach forum?? I am here to help. Zach gave me a hand and pick me up when I was at a bad point in life and my career and the least I can do is pass it on to others.
PEACE TO all you Underground Homies and thanks Zach you do MORE than you know
Excellent vid, love it
Nice to see all the respect to Sean and Zoran.
Lemme tell you, these 2 guys brought some amazing energy to NJ, whoever trains under their wings is having the time of their life!
I am super psyched to see what these guys have done and will be doing!
Ass Kickers, INC., baby!
This is by my standard the best inspirational video ever to be on this site, that is my opinion, and certainly represent my goal and dream. Respect everybody who started or is going to start his underground gym. Personally underground as become my religion.
Raphaël, Québec, Canada
i love this video- I cannot get over good quality hard work! Work and personal gratification is so under rated. Congrats Zach on another excellent post- very motivating and awesome of them and you- you are the example of get off your ass and do it! I love it
that’s how it’s done!
Action + action + action = RESULTS!
Great video! It’s awesome to see dreams turn to reality! What type of flooring was that, that they were pushing the prowlers to nicely on! Need to get some of that!