awesome day, awesome lunch, awesome advice for you


Today I was at my homeboy Ryan Lee's Millionaire Workout Workshop. Ryan delivered some hard hitting info and I was sitting front and center to soak it all in.

Being a student at all times is critical for success. Should we ever stop learning? We both know the answer all too well. The most successful people have HUGE libraries.....and BIG TV's.

I suggest starting with the BIG library first ๐Ÿ™‚

The take away point I want you to realize first and foremost is that at this event I was spending time with highly motivated people who focus on growth, creativity, productivity and a great outlook on life.

I stay away from the complainers and the naysayers. You should do the same. The powerful effect of hanging around other highly motivated, like minded people is HUGE.

The art of avoiding the negative complainers is a slick one and can work like this.... the complainer begins ranting and talking about his / her poor environment, poor situations, etc....

You begin inching away and reply, "Hey man, just do something about it"

That's right, the art form is complete after dishing out 7 simple words.

People will try to bring you down when they are down....stay away from them.

Same thing goes for who and where you train. Do you train around talkers, cell phone and mirror lovers, or do you surround yourself with highly motivated lifters or train outdoors, in the sun with fresh air at the local park?

I used to do this when I was bodybuilding back in the day.... any shitty training partner was ditched and left behind. I moved onward and upward and never allowed negative energy to come in and destroy my positive energy.

This brings me to my lunch was awesome...a group of high energy guys sharing marketing and training ideas, eating healthy powerful foods, making a success glasses of water none the less! ha ha

Here's what I want you to do right now....

Grab a sheet of paper and a pen. Write a list of everyone who brings you down and makes you feel like crap. Then write a list of the people who help you rise up and get amped up.

Begin spending less and less time with the naysayers and more time with those go getters and believers.

Your success begins in your mind...with your mind, begin taking immediate and massive action.

What have you always dreamt of doing?

What if you knew you could not fail?

What would you do?

I'm living proof that this can be done. I'm well on my way and I will be sharing these methods at my next Underground Strength Coach Certification Program.

Until the next time,

Kick some Ass!

In Strength,

Zach Even - Esh

P.S. - I almost forgot to tell you about my power lunch: Organic Chicken, sweet potato, spinach and a salad. That was some gooooood stuff!

P.P.S. - Take massive action now and see me and Steve Maxwell tearing it up at our up and coming Gladiator Fitness Seminar. Click Here for details.

One Response

  1. Hey Zach,

    It was great to meet you at the seminar on Saturday. I had heard all about you on places like EliteFTS and it’s great to see that guys like you are continuing to learn.

    To success, both physically and financially!


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