Are You Ready To Transform Your Business, Amplify Your Training / Coaching Knowledge and Experience An Awesome Weekend of Training & Masterminding with Strength Coaches & Gym Owners?

Zach & Travis will Lead You Through A Powerful Weekend of Training, Coaching & Business Breakthroughs To Arm You With The Must HaveTools You Need to Be GREAT at Your Passion.

From: Zach Even - Esh

Location: Home Office / Manasquan, NJ

Time: 6:17 AM

If you're reading this page then it means you're a highly motivated Coach ready & willing to be Relentless in your Pursuit of Coaching & Business Excellence. This is Zach here and I've got some awesome news that I am psyched up about.

Let me explain why.......

Often times when I hear advice on running a gym coming from someone who never owned a gym or does not currentlyown a gym, and I say to myself, WOW, that sounds good, but it does not actually work.

Having my feet on the floor of a gym since my garage days in 2002 to my current days of running multiple locations as well as Travis doing the same, we have our pulse on what REALLY works vs what sounds like it works.

The key here is to have core values where you truly focus on changing lives through your training. Couple that with real world business skills and you can run your business full time or even part time and do great for yourself. Does your training make your members' lives better? Does your training impact your community? Does your training business excite you AND provide a better life for yourself (and your family if you have one)?

The way to get there is to become GREAT at the coaching AND the business. 1 without the other does not work. And, as the business landscape changes for Strength Coaches and Gym Owners, your business must evolve, both online and / or in your gym.

If you do not evolve then your business will die. And if you're a passionate Strength Coach, I KNOW you do NOT want to take your special skills to the grave with you! NO!

You want to put your skills out there and impact your community and the world. Being a business owner can be stressful. It often times feels lonely.

The way to improve your strength, enthusiasm, knowledge and more is to get away from your normal environment and surround yourself with other fired up Coaches.

The energy carries you to new heights, you now return home with a new sense of energy and enthusiasm, and, most of all, better training and business skills. As a Coach or the owner of a warehouse style gym, you feel guilty stepping away.

What you must learn to understand is that you will come back better for those you serve. You'll have more skills to share with your Coaches. You'll have smarter and more effective business systems in place to help you impact more people.

Here's what you will experience during this weekend Barbell Boss Experience:


Location: Manasquan Underground Strength Gym

202 East Main St, Manasquan, NJ

Parking 100 ft. Behind 7-11

Hotels: Manasquan has B&Bs in town and of course you can check surrounding towns for the "chain hotels" such as Lakewood, Wall & Sea Girt. Air BnB maybe? E Mail me for any hotel questions, of course 🙂

Best Airport: Newark Liberty International

Here's just some of what we'll cover and experience during this Weekend.


Saturday / Day 1 will be Training / The Art of Coaching.

NOTE: You can train and / or observe the 9 AM groups on Saturday & Sunday Morning at The Underground Strength Gym if you want to get more learning / hands on time.

* Saturday Evening we'll go out and enjoy some Good Food and GREAT times!! *

Sunday / Day 2 will be Business / Mastermind and of course opportunity to train on lunch break.

Here are just SOME of the topics we'll crush:

We will also have time locked down for "hot seats" where you get 30-45 minutes to discuss what your struggles are and how we can strategically adjust your business to multiply your success & happiness.

This will be an awesome and inspiring weekend. We expect to push the envelope and get a LOT of work done, both in training AND business.

Simply being around other like minded, highly motivated, ethical Coaches is going to fire you up to achieve more.

You will leave this weekend feeling invigorated, rejuvenated and most of all, armed and ready to achieve more success without doing more work. You will learn to work smarter and create "Growth multipliers" in your business.

To get where you want to go, you can not continue to do what you get where you are now. We must evolve, we must change and that means having an open mind and stepping away from your current environment.

Time to Kick Ass & Take Names!

See you in January!

--Zach & Travis

ALL Participants will Get These AWESOME Bonus Gifts:

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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