Undergrounder Strength Nation.... Let's DO this!
I hope you had a powerful day yesterday.....
I had MANY obstacles to overcome yesterday as the past few days have been tough and the stress was mounting.
Was it easy? NO
Did I get it done?
Mission Accomplished.
I had to focus on what I wanted and where I wanted to go, what I wanted to MAKE happen and ultimately what my best outcome looked like and felt like.
VERY Important: Keep focusing & putting Your Attentions On Your Intentions
The mind is what made all the pieces come together.
What is My Commitment To YOU?
I will continue to commit to training you in the various ways of empowering your mind because the mind is what motors everything you do, fast or slow, it's up to your mind.
Yesterday, 2 of my athletes ran from their house to the gym. This is not odd for either of them as both are highly committed
athletes, one is onlyย a 7th grader while the other is an 8th grader.
[youtube width="640" height="360"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04_biUCa2yI[/youtube]
BOTH of them were on their "off" days, where they can come in and train anyway they want to train. Coach Reeve calls these "Champion Workouts" - where you do the work when no one tells you to do it, ALL through your own motivation and inner drive.
Both of these boys run between 1.5 - 2.5 miles. The younger athlete, a wrestler, ran both here and back, no car ride home.
The older, a Football player & Wrestler got to work on the jump rope immediately.
The gym was crowded so he took the rope to the street, without shoes, barefoot.....
After he was done "warming up" he practiced the many bodyweight exercises we favor:
- push up variations
- hand stand holds
- pull up variations
- rope climbs
From there, he jumped in on a workout with one of our wrestlers, which, at the time was 3 rounds of farmer walks carrying 130 lb military cans filled with sand coupled with tire flips for speed....
Yes, he did this barefoot.....
Why am I sharing this story?
Because you must train your body to get uncomfortable, even if it means little by little.
It's amazing how fast the body will adapt.
Strengthen your feet and ankles, get rid of the shoes but keep it SAFE.
Hate Running? Change WHERE you run.... today I'll be running on the beach, next time in the park, next time in the trails.
Do you suck at a certain exercises, perhaps the squat? Then startย squatting during your warm up at least 3 x week with some added weight.
Rule of thumb: "If It's Weak, Attack It."
Stronger Than Yesterday.
Thank you for being a part of Underground Strength Nation.
Let's DO this!
PS: One of our speakers, Elliott "The Incredible" Hulse will be presenting on something very unique and powerful.
He calls it his '4 Layers of Strength'. He shared some of his info with me and I know that learning from Elliott with his life changing lessons will be worth the small investment of The Underground Strength Conference.
You'll notice discounts are available to Inner Circle Members along with a special link for you to gain discounted access to The Inner Circle
I'm doing ALL I can to make this event as affordable as possible but hurry because price increases SOON.
Check the details Of The Underground Strength Conference HERE