BEASTS of The Underground


AT my recent USC Cert, GR Hoff recorded some training going down at The Underground and put together a lil' highlight to motivate his athletes.

My next USC Cert is around the corner in Ft Lauderdale, so if you're in Florida it's time to step up and make it happen! BOOM, sign up HERE if you're ready to turn your passion into profit and finally start doing what you love to do, there's no better feeling than doing what you love.

You'll also see some of my wrestlers in action, just a small taste of what we do.

Check it:

Drop a comment with your questions and I'll answer.

In Strength,


PS: Look at the awesome feedback from all the participants that have come through my USC Cert by clicking HERE

2 Responses

  1. Gday all the way from oz Zac, when you coming down under for a cert brother, we love down here and how you share your knowledge and make it easily assesible to everyone mate.
    Stay strong.

  2. Awesome videos! Keep us posted on the little gladiators progress! Do you have heavy weights training there? Seems like the lighter classes dig the hard training.

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