Bodyweight Bodybuilding Inspiration Winners


This is TOUGH!

ALL the videos from The Bodyweight Bodybuilding Inspiration Contest moved me, inspired me and some really touched my heart. During these inspiration contests I realize how tough it is to choose just one prize winner. This is when being "The Judge" kinda sucks, ha ha

The last few hours of the inspiration contest we must have gotten 20 or so video submissions for The Bodyweight Bodybuilding Inspiration Contest. It was a whirlwind of people submitting videos last minute!

For anyone to enter this contest, they ALL had to have invested in AND actually USED The Bodyweight Bodybuilding System. No tire kickers, just REAL Undergrounders, Living The Code.

After careful review and some help from a few that shall remain nameless, I'm posting the Top 3 Bodyweight Bodybuilding inspiration videos below.

To ALL who took the time to enter, you're f**ing awesome for having the guts to take ACTION - SERIOUS RESPECT goes out to You.

At this point, I am Not sure if I'm going to choose 1 or all of these guys to receive the prizes, but if you could drop a comment and let me know your thoughts on these 3 videos and how they inspire you, that would be awesome!

[youtube width="640" height="360"][/youtube]

[youtube width="640" height="360"][/youtube]

[youtube width="640" height="360"][/youtube]

Please do me a favor and let me know your thoughts on these 3 videos. It was brutal picking these 3 and not the others, trust me. Let me know which story inspires you the most.

I'll announce the winner shortly through my Facebook Fan Page

HUGE thanks for your help!

Live The Code


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Please Click HERE

11 Responses

  1. Hey Zach!!

    Although i like all the videos, i think the one i like the most is the third one.

    Anyway, congrats to all of us who have made our own video!!!

  2. Hi Zach,

    My vote goes to the first video, but you can also take my video…hahaha!!!
    Great job all undergronders!

    Grats to all participants, you all inspirate me and my familly.

    Tanks Zach!


  3. Artur Monteiro says:

    The three videos are incredible!!! The first one very emotional, deep and inspiring. Second very raw and agressive, as fitness and bodybuilding are supposed to be. Third one, absolutely motivational, especialy for athletes. All three of them deserve at least one of the prizes. Peace!

  4. BOOM!

    These videos are off the hook! I’m big time inspired!

    My vote goes to video #2 because of the nature of the outdoor home gym and use of environmental resources.

  5. Joseph Rosenfeld says:

    Hey Zach,

    My vote goes to the second video. You can tell he’s really taking his bodyweight training seriously by putting it at the core of his workouts, using programs such as the hybrid kettlebell program, in which most movements integrate bodyweight movements. Good job and good luck to all!

  6. 1st video gets my vote.

  7. I say give it to the first guy!
    Everybody loves the underdog!!

  8. Guys – this was BRUTALLY TOUGH 4 me to choose!!!!

    I am going with Isaac as MOST Inspirational – he will get ALL 3 prizes:

    1) Lifetime membership to

    2) Underground Strength Nation T Shirt

    3) Training day at – if you can are ever in NJ!!


    Artur & Khrys – you guys are straight UP AWESOME!

    You guys will get:

    1) 1 year membership to

    2) Underground Strength Nation t Shirt

    Thank YOU guys and thank you to ALL who took action!!!

    MUCH Respect!

    Please e mail guys so I can get address for shirt and e mail to add you to

  9. Lanny Gilbertson says:

    Awesome sauce! Good Choices!!!! I thought the 1st Vid would get it.

  10. Good job and good luck. Suffer the pain of discipline or suffer the pain of regret!

  11. Just got back from out and town and found out im a winner! I bet all the videos that were submitted were winners as well. Hell yeah thanks Zach! Thanks for all the motivation and inspiration! Thats what keeps me killing workout after workout w/o weights and without! Where do i email you? And once again Thanks! See you in NJ sometime later this year! BOOM!!!

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