Redemption Time.
I just got my ass kicked during the brutal Jersey Shore Challenge conditioning circuit.
Pauly Reddick of course verbally abuses me and I used my bread and butter to redeem myself: The Pull Up.
The Peg Board, well, that's another story.
I tried this when I first got to their gym and it was rough. AFTER the workout, somehow, someway, I got it a bit.
A little practice and I can kick that peg board's ass.
I am inspired by Vision Quest, a movie that shows my age.
Check The Video and Challenge Here:
[youtube width="640" height="360"][/youtube]
[youtube width="640" height="360"][/youtube]
One of the reasons my pull ups have always been a strong point for me is regular practice. I've been working this exercise since age 13.
Every time I passed a pull up bar I would bang out a few reps.
This is called practice workouts or "GTG" aka Grease the Groove.
Try GTG with any bodyweight exercise. I like hitting these in 2 - 4 week training cycles, usually 5 days a week, anywhere from 1 - 3 times a day.
No one said getting strong was easy. Ya gotta put in the work, hence the name, "working out".
Live The Code 365
36 Responses
Hi Zach,
Thanks for all videos you put up, they are very inspiring!!
I found this clip on youtube that show some real “caveman” strength I thought you might enjoy. It’s a finnish lumberjack.
That peg board looks insane! Is that an old school piece of kit? Or some new shizzle?
Great vid
Nice pull ups Zach = soooo easy.
In fact the only reason you had trouble with that peg board was because you did the pull ups first, I mean that could be the thought process.
Can’t wait to get up there and train on Friday!!
as I said on youtube:
zach is a pulling monster! great strength display for a guy over 200 pounds. this shows: everybody has to do pull-ups!!!!!!!
btw: love the peg-board. old-school rocks. this tool rocks the whole upper-body!
Good redemption with the pullups. I wish gyms had more implements like the peg board. I remember doing that in junior high school. That is one killer upper body workout.
Man after watching that I wanna see if I can build my own peg board and try that shit out. Looks amazing, keep killin’ it coach z!
Guys, thnx 4 the comments
I’ll ask Uncle Mike where he got his peg board from and will post here later.
I will get to the top of it next time, guaranteed
i like that pegboard stuff. never seen it before but looks pretty cool. adds an element of coordination.
Yeah, I need a peg board ASAP.
Calm Down SON!! We’ll get you- your 20 comments;) SHUT UP!!!
Hi Zach love the vids. This last one was awesome. I am having sinus surgery later in July. After this because I’ll be breathing better I’ll be doing the bodyweight stuff. Your workouts and videos are truly awesome. Can’t workout if you can’t breathe.
John Carriere.
Loved the video! Great job on the pullups! I definitely want to know where to get a peg board like that. It’s awesome!
awesome vid, zach. peg bored looks wicked. i gotta try that some time
Here you go boys and girls
Got your pegboard:
yeaaaa bruddahs, Uncle Mike comes through & hooks us up AND EVEN CRAZIER news, @SarahMcCombs busts out some wicked lines!
Why did you the Paul R. give you so much S*$t SON?!?
Great video again. Uncle Mike’s pullup station is awesome.
THinking of putting on behind my shed at home!
Those were some great workouts. way to kill it. Thats the first time I see that peg board equipment ..insane.
keep it up man
That pegboard was topnotch. You guys rocked it!
Got to luv that peg board!! Rockin those pull ups though!
Hey Zach, love the vids. I’ve been following your blog for a while but its my first time posting. The pegboard looks brutal…reminds me of the campus board they have in my climbing gym. That bad boy works your back and your grip like crazy. Here is a video I found to show you what I mean.
Alright Zach
that peg board looks proper hard, ive never seen one before. but the milkman kicked its ass.
Great job on the pull ups Coach. Quite impressive.
Shit that peg board looks rough!
Zach, you rocked those pullups!
Good job on the pegs after the pullups, those are tough. We had those in gym class back in the day. Think I will build me a set.
It is great to see old school fitness which builds real life strength.Keep up the good work.
Awesome display of strength with pull ups followed by peg board workout
Sup Zach
That peg board is killer dude!!!!!!!!! Im gonna attempt to make for myself later! You’re vids are lank cool and a great inspiration keep it up man!
WOW! That peg board seems really intense. If you’ve got the routine you did for this strength challenge I would really like to see it. Seems like it’s pretty intense if Mr. Even-Esh himself got beat by it.
that peg board was hoofin, awesome job on the pull ups
i think you should have done 30 pull ups 20 was to easy for you lol.peg board looks very cool!!! keep the stuf coming mate love it big style
keep em coming,can’t wait to check my e mail theres always something happening underground!Awesome pullups.
Oh what did I say…You got your twenty!! Hey I would Vouch for Chris on the night of the jonas brothers concert…but lying is a sin;)
Nice job on those pull ups. Motivates me. Glad I don’t have a peg board!
Oh Mannnn!! I havent seen a peg board since wrestling in high school (Indiana late 70’s!!) Glad to see youy bing it back into the “spotlight”!!
“Visionquest” LMAO great flick!!
NICE! Way to crank it out! I had a person tell me the other day that even though I could lift big and I look big (260#) that I wouldn’t be able to do pushups or pullups because I have too much bodyweight to move and it doesn’t work for big guys.
SSOOO!!! I dropped and gave them full range pushups (100-even though they told me to stop after 20) and grabbed a rack and started cranking pullups (We were at Home Depot-should have seen the faces looking at me).
I told them to not judge a book by its cover because I do 100 pullups and 100 pushups/day to get ready for the day(10setsx10reps-superset).
Love bodyweight training! Love the big steel! Love stones!