If you've been following me for some time, perhaps you've heard of my troubled past, my struggles in life. Most wouldn't guess or perhaps would think I'm lying, when I speak of my struggles through depression while in high school and my freshman year in college.
There were days when I wasn't sure if I would make it..... make it out of bed..... make it through the day.
I pulled through, I became stronger and took charge. I still remember the morning I woke up and felt empowered, I remember as if it was this morning.
I began to read, A LOT. The reading kept my mind on the right path, even if it meant only reading a few pages every night before going to sleep.
Specifically, I read a lot of Tony Robbins books when I first began reading, the first one I bought was in a Barnes & Noble Book store in Los Angeles, around the age of 22 or 23. It was his famous book, 'Awaken The Giant Within'. It took me months on end to finish reading because I took it day by day, a few pages each night.
Reading before going to bed each night was one of the BEST things I could have done to put my mind in the state of mind. Today....I read A LOT. I learn A LOT. I've been learning from Tony Robbins for a LOOOONG time, and he never ceases to amaze me.
The video below is quite recent, yet his story and lessons from John Wooden I learned well over 10 years ago when reading and listening to Tony's materials (I invested lots of money in his courses :).
I recall using an ENTIRE pay check ($1,500) to get VIP seating at his Unleash The Power Within Seminar. Back then I was a teacher and I had no future goals of being a Strength Coach or opening up my own warehouse gym. It's amazing to see my changes through the years and the memories of driving in my ISUZU Trooper while listening to Tony Robbins CDs, well, they all seem like yesterday.
Check the video and I hope you enjoy...
This lesson of winning, that is explained in the video above, I learned well over a decade ago and I remember it vividly to this day.
Drop a comment and share a powerful life lesson you learned LOOONG ago but still resonates with you today.
Lead from the FRONT
Recommended Resources:
Underground Strength Coach Certification (Last Cert of 2010)
PS: Via the comments I apologize as I did not know this video was only viewable in the states, I tried you tube with NO luck, BUT, I found something just as powerful, if not more. Enjoy, Coach John Wooden...
20 Responses
This is awesome!!!! What he talks about is so true because I have experianced pain and regret, but until I decided to forgive those people only then did I have peace… Emotional for me… π
Zach very inspiring stuff here.
One of the biggest lessons I learned from my wrestling coach is you have to “BELIEVE before you can ACHIEVE.”
Thank for the post Zach!
Once again another incredible post. Thanks Zach. What a great message. I have never been a big fan of John Wooden and now I feel like I have been missing something, thanks for opening my eyes. Have a great weekend.
Two key points that coach Wooden stressed, forgiveness sets you free, and love your enemy. I believe the two go hand in hand as they address our relationship with our fellow man.
Everyday we are faced with decisions. In my life, my faith, my training, my schoolwork, my relationships I can choose to pursue excellence, or I can settle. NEVER SETTLE! Zach I love you famous tagline, “lead from the front.” To understand it and apply it to my life challenges me to be a BEAST in life. Thanks for the constant push!
Extremely inspirational video. Tony Robbins is the man as well. I too listen to his audio books while riding my bike to work.
lead from the front
Great message here.. its one we all should practice! If you are holding grudges it only keeps you down. Move forward and prosper!
Thanks Zach for providing this video which I may have not come across. This comes at a much needed time as I’m in one of the valley’s of my life. Get better every day!
First time post…Long time reader! Great post Zach, I remember reading Tony’s book “awaken the giant within” when I was in HS. To this day whenever I get in a mood or come across struggles I will open it up and give it another read. Keep up the work!!
No Hulu in England. Dammit!
Any other links anyone?
Hey Zach,
Your old Buddy Jay Rodriguez here, I’m going through some stuff now too man. just been sleeping a lot. i bought this book a few years ago. I never read it! Maybe i should start. M life definitely is not where I want it. Both physically, and professionally. hell even financially. But seeing where you are, Maybe there’s something to it. Tanks man
Zach, I don’t even know you, but i feel like i know you man. Props to you brotha. I recognize a lot of Tony in your blog posts, especially how you always say TAKE ACTION. Lots of dudes all over the net say that & i know exactly where it comes from.
I think the first lesson I learned from Tony Robbins was: How to get anything you want. ASK!
I remember reading Anthony Robbins’ Unleash the Power Within many years ago. I’m very glad you found his books useful but I think he’s a snake oil salesman and a huckster of recycled PMA nonsense. His only success in life is as a “success coach”. And the reason firewalks don’t burn feet is because of physics (the Leidenfrost Effect specifically) not because of “The Power Within”. You can achieve your goals with focus, discipline and intelligent effort. No need to pay $1,500 for a rah rah seminar.
cant watch this because i live in ireland,wont play anything outside usa
This video is only available in the US. You’re forgetting the rest of the world here Zach ;o)
Zach: Thanks for the video! I am a real estate developer who is having a pretty rough time. No income and lots of debt. Basically went from hotshot to broke ass overnight! It’s easy to be angry and blame others and yourself for the mess that you’re in. It’s a lot harder to accept it, learn from your mistakes and keep swinging but…it’s the only way to go. Thanks for the video today and thanks for the emails. I am on the right path but without the balls out workouts that I do and without your inspirational/optimistic message in your emails it would be a lot easier to get off track. Thanks again.
Hey Zach,
Big fan, I enjoy reading your stuff and watching your videos.
This may not be relevant to this post, but the thing I like about you, that seperates your from the other trainers on line is that you do not jump on the band wagon, and you have a uniqueness in regards to your training style…
Zach, you are so inspirational! That video speaks to us all about how to live life. Learn to forgive and life is smoother….. Thank you for sharing!
that is great stuff !! i like that we get more than just strength and warehouse business stuff from your site z !!
fantastic post, zach! super motivating and enlightening. i’m definitely going to be passing this along to the young athletes i work with and will also be checking the tv schedule to see when tony robbins show is on!
Always hitting it out of the park.
The biggest point I got from this was as follows
Life is more about the journey towards a goal not actually reaching the goal.
This is not the case for most. Most people think the purchase of the new house is the greatest thing when it happens, while really it is the accomplishment of following the steps and learning as you go to make a step towards the life you would like to have.
I know I am guilty of looking at the end goal and not taking in the journey, for the journey is the not only an external process but an internal one as well.