Ya gotta love bodyweight exercises - ALL of them.
You can do them anywhere, anyplace, anytime.
Push Ups are a bodyweight exercise I LOVE!
Watch the Video below and then I have a CRAZY story for you regarding push ups and other bodyweight exercises....
That's the end of my quick workout with Joel Marion. It was at the end of a loooong night and Joel has been cranking away with his Underground Nutrition Tips so I KNEW that a fast and furious bodyweight workout would get the juices flowing.
When I started doing Push Ups I was in the 7th Grade. In fact, it was the summer before 8th grade as I vividly recall.
The neighborhood gang was hanging out one night and we all got around to arm wrestling.
It was f**ing embaressing!
I went home that night and it was around 9:30 PM and I decided that every night before bed and every morning upon rising I would do 1 set of max push ups.
That night I did TWO PUSH UPS!
You read that correctly, there is NO typo there, 2 push ups! I collapsed mid way through rep # 3!
The next night I did 3 push ups, the following night was 4 push ups and I still recall the night I cranked out 7 push ups because the NEXT DAY I finally won my first arm wrestling match!
I was happier than a Pig in Mud! I was getting my ass handed to me for almost an entire week and once I got my first victory in arm wrestling I thought push ups were THE KING!
I'll keep the pull ups story for another time...
I wanna hear about your experiences with bodyweight training, maybe you have a vivid story as I do, well, step up and let's hear it!
Kill it!
PS: All attendees of the Lost Secrets of Strength Seminar will be getting the entire seminar on film, FREE! A few spots left, take action HERE.
PPS: Next week, Underground members get a FREE teleseminar (every month they do) and the Underground Workout of the Month was just posted at http://UndergroundStrengthCoach.com - don't miss it!
6 Responses
I love bodyweight training, especially for the upperbody! Between the gazillion different push up variations, dips, handstand push ups, wall walks, recline rows, and pull up variations,rope climbs, etc, 90% of my upperbody work is with bodyweight based movements. I find a greater carry over to my jiu jitsu and its just cool to be able to crank out stuff like pull ups and dips when most of the population (even so called “fit’ dudes) can’t do any!
push-ups und pull-ups – that’s how arnold has also got started and everybody knows where he’s gotten!
these build a foundation on every man’s body!
I hit a lot of pull-ups as a young boy although I didn’t know that they were an exercise. cause things like tree climbing are natural pull-ups!
That’s how it’s done for us busy men – haha!
push ups kick ass when i was in grade 9 and too intimidated to go in the weight room at my school i’d do 100 (not consecutively) a night before bed
now i usually finish my chest routine with explosive push up variations
I believe the mind-muscle connection you get from body weight movements and learning to MASTER your own weight carries over into your other lifts and makes learning other things very easy. Once you get a strong sense of what your body can do the sky is your only limit. My all time fav is the muscle-up!!!!!!! Not many people can do them. I can go to almost any gym in the country and bust out a few of those for sets and even the SO CALLEd baddest guy in the gym won’t think of messing with me:)
I love doing BWE’s! They are great to workout at home. Especeilly the push-ups, there you have a lots of variations, f.e. Spiderman pu, hindu pu, diff. wide of arms,explodives, legs against wall, with weight, on the rings and of course dips. And the good thing is it worksout your hole body on some way.