There's no doubt about it, I'm a crazy man, a mad man if you will. There is also a method to my madness.
Sometimes, crazy is good, other times, you must know how to tame your wild side.
I've been molding my craziness through years and years of experience on myself and while training others, not while pushing keyboard buttons and claiming to be a tough guy.
I have my flaws, but I'm always working on improving those flaws.
I'm relentless on attacking flaws and weak points and you should be doing the same.
For most people, it's everything they CAN'T see when looking in the mirror. That's right, your entire back side is likely way weaker than it should be, and you need to jack up these muscles.
They are your largest muscles in the body....the lats, the hamstrings, the glutes, the traps.....your ENTIRE backside.
Once you strengthen these areas, add muscle to them, make them more can expect your performance to improve BIG time, regardless of your endeavor. I've seen guys with big backs, big glutes, thickly developed hamstrings and ear poppin' traps and they move like a lightning bolt.
Think about Olympic Lifters. They have thickly developed back sides, big hams and glutes and if you need them to run or jump, they can haul some serious ass and catch some serious air.
Same with a lean powerlifter. I was backstage at the 2007 WPO, the world championship of powerlifting, and so many powerlifters were lean, ripped and thickly muscled. In addition to looking like Gladiators, they were strong as all heck, and stronger always helps you become faster!
These are the guys you want on your team - not the guys strutting with big beach muscles and nothing else.
Stop worrying about the beach muscles and start training your back side with relentless fury.
In Strength,
Zach Even - Esh
P.S. - Want muscles that look great on the beach AND help you kick ass in everything you do? Get started HERE.
5 Responses
I used to unload freight cars on my job when I was younger.
We’d lift 100 LB bags all day in about 100-110 degree heat inside those railroad cars.
Without a good posterior chain, t his would have been nearly impossible.
Your are absolutely gorgeous!!!…I could look at you all day long…I can see that you have worked really hard to obtain such a beautiful body. You are testimony that dedication and hard work do pay off…Zach, you keep sculpting that stunning body or yours. Thank you for all the fitness facts that you provide to all of us……Love, your fan…Barbie Ann
You are absolutely gorgeous!!!…I could look at you all day long…I can see that you have worked really hard to obtain such a beautiful body. You are testimony that dedication and hard work do pay off…Zach, you keep sculpting that stunning body or yours. Thank you for all the fitness facts that you provide to all of us……Love, your fan…Barbie Ann
ha ha, thanks Barbie Ann
what is the name of the o-lifter in this photo?