CrossFit and Cross Training


Lots of people HATE CrossFit.

Of course, it's f**ing HARD workouts. Period.

For my athletes I follow a system. A system of training is required to consistently get them stronger, more explosive, adding more muscle and improving their skill at the lifts as well. CrossFit is implemented into our conditioning work.

CrossFit in lifting / movement / training is similar in philosophy to why I always tell my athletes to Cross Train in other sports to make them MORE athletic in their sport of focus.

For example, I ALWAYS tell my Wrestlers and Football players to train in Judo for a few months out of the year.

I can explain WHY, but instead, I want you to see a high school wrestler who is also a Judoka. He is F**ing deadly. Watch Below...

I am BIG Time impressed with Derek Wojcik, a Judoka and wrestler from Georgia.

The Overseas athletes ALL crosstrained in various sports and various lifting / training methods. The Olympic Weightlifters from the 1970's looked like a Hybrid of a Gymnast - Wrestler. Very lean, very muscular, extremely strong, extremely explosive and ALSO highly conditioned.

My Football players play a lot of Basketball as it improves their speed, power, agility and overall conditioning.

The athlete who never rotates new movements, methods or sports into his / her repertoire will be more likely to get overuse injuries or achieve physical / psychological burn out before the athlete who is more well rounded, exposed to more sports yet still focuses on 1 or 2 main sports.

Drop a comment, let me know your thoughts.


PS: The Underground Strength Kit forces you to cross train using a variety of methods, tools and training modalities. Our athletes don't always squat or bench more than the competition, but when it comes time to compete, we are dominating.

PPS: If you're an athletic coach, strength coach, parent or an athlete looking to be part of the best strength and sport training seminar then find a way to meet me HERE. Time is running out.

33 Responses

  1. I love wrestling! It’s always been my passion to break someone’s will in a one on one battle. You can definitely see this kid’s Judo shining through.

  2. I think people hate crossfitters for there elitist attitude, they talk about very average achievments as elift, and the way they seem to think it’s a badge of honour to rip your hands to shreds during a workout is just plain stupid. The WOD’s are usually some random thrown together stuff, and some of it is going to lead to injuries. You lead from the front Zach, can you say the same about Greg Glassman, the guy is a joke.

  3. Vince, U gonna be at Flo Nationals to watch, in Ohio, Walsh Jesuit end of the month?

  4. Paul

    Like any crew of lifters you have the good and the bad.

    I’ve met many at their latest conference and they were straight up awesome peeps.

    We have powerlifters who hate O lifters and vice versa, K Bell peeps who feel Kettlebells are the one and only tool, etc.

    It’s unfortunately the way of the world with some people.


  5. Nice, some of that had a sambo look to it. That kid just needs some knuckle practice and he’s ready for anything! Wow, the scoop and carry to a controlled drop in the triple threat position and the inner reaping….just beauty, what a prodigy.

  6. Zach,
    Great stuff!
    I’m a wrestler and a Crossfitter.
    Paul, obviously you don’t understand the premise or philosophy of Crossfit or you wouldn’t be making such an ignorant remark(s) about Crossfit or Mr. Glassman.
    All the military,law enforcement, firefighters, etc. incorporate Crossfit into their training because of, simply, the results. S.W.A.T. teams all over the country are using Crossfit.l Fort Hood has three Crossfit affiliates on their post alone. All of my athletes (I’m a Sports Performance Enhancement Specialist) learn and use Crossfit Training methods.
    Zach is making you aware that HE uses Crossfit/Crosstraining as part of his training methods.
    One thing I learned early in my coaching/teaching/training career is you never tear down another sport to build up your own. It’s unprofessional and unethical.
    We find as coaches/trainers that those who are multi-sport athletes are highly successful in their chosen specialty sport. The same goes for using different methods of training (as Zach so prominently emphasizes), along with some of the other top trainers in the nation (e.g. Elliott Hulse, Joe Hashey, Smitty, etc.).
    I am 60 years old and can’t put into words the benefits Crossfit has had for me (most people tell me they think I am in my late 30’s early 40’s).
    I give credit to Zach and those other gentlemen I have mentioned, along with Dave Tate, Louie Simmons, Greg Glassman and others, for passing on their knowledge to us knuckleheads in striving to be our very best.
    Sorry for the rant but I’m truly thankful for all of you.


  8. I follow that same mentality with my own training and with my athletes. I believe Crossfit is a great Cross-Training, Conditioning weapon, but it is not the end all to increasing performance they would have you believe.

    A few deadly met-cons after a great strength session or on off days is always a way to get better period though.

  9. I do agree that Xfit workouts are extremely hard. I am a LEO, and when it first came out, I thought it was perfect for folks in my profession (or military). I went on to get a level 1 cert, but the more I got into the community, the more I grew to dislike the elitist attitude. They take everything Glassman says as gospel…although it’s nice to see them (as others) branch into gaining more knowledge f/ D. Tate, Rip, etc.

    I agree, it is a great tool for conditioning, but poor education of training and lack of closely monitored WOD’s lead to many injuries (several colleagues of mine throw together unplanned volume, time periods, and exercises..then get hurt). You (and others out there) are great for the Strength/Conditioning world b/c you implement various tools and methodologies to get people to improve at their respective sports/goals…but there’s planning behind it. Xfit does this to an extent, but the extremely random nature of the programming can actually lead to degradation in performance. Ok…enough w/ the rant. Last thought…I agree w/ you, it’s too bad that there are one-school trainers and individuals who believe their way is the best way.

  10. Good one Zach. Sometimes people need it spelled out super simple. I first discovered the Underground while I was doing the CF HQ WOD. I was looking to add some strong man stuff into my program. I wasn’t sure how to begin. I saw what you were doing and thought it was a perfect fit between the two. You were ahead of the curve. It always surprises me that people don’t even know that you are a CF affiliate. You stand alone but are still a part of the CF community. You took a great idea and made it better. That’s what CF is all about.

  11. WOW !!! very impressed and you can tell that kid is not just a wrestler.. looked to me that
    there was a whole bunch of EVERYTHING rolled up into one impressive package !!

  12. Zach,

    I frequent the Crossfit homepage as part of my constant search in becoming as dominant in all aspects of life as I can. I’ve gone to the local Crossfit affiliate and it KICKED MY ASS. I challenge anyone to go there and not suck wind. The stuff is the real deal. I’m sick of keyboard jockeys doing their curls for the girls knocking Crossfitters due to their lack of bodybuilding physiques. That’s like comparing apples and oranges, one is to get you in shape, and one is to make you look like you are. Find me a bodybuilder that can Clean and Jerk 330 pounds at 185 pounds, and run a sub 6 mile, they’re few and very far between.

    I’d train like a Crossfitter over a bodybuilder any day of the week, and run all over him playing beach football in front of his girlfriend.

  13. Paul, You’ve just met the wrong CrossFitters man! I agree. There are those who think it is the be all, end all of athletic training! Not true. Like Z said, every community has the good and the bad. If you’re ever in GA, come on by and I’ll be glad to show you what a good CrossFit gym is all about. Might surprise you!


  14. I plan to be there Zach. I understand your going to be there. I’ll look you up.

  15. As far as crossfit goes, I have to give the sytem it’s props. About 5 years ago I read about it and started adding some of the WOD’s into my regimemin. The conditioning aspect of crossfit is fantastic. I did feel, however, that I needed more in the line of sraight strength work. I was a Deep Sea Dive Med tech in the Navy and we were using this style of training 20 years ago. Too bad we didn’t coin the term. I could have been a rich man Zach.

  16. Looks like barely anyone noticed the TWO amazing videos and got all caught up about CrossFit.

    If so, you missed the point of the article πŸ™

  17. Got into CrossFit about 2 years ago, not a disciple by any means but I needed to get back to the simple movements like pull ups, push ups, free standing squats, burpees, jumping rope etc. Didn’t really need CF to get there but their website inspired me to get back into simple body weight training, and it really helped. I was stuck in traditional bodybuilding routines and it was not working for me.

    CF is a business, period. A big business right now. So was Nautalis Gyms back in the late 70’s early 80’s.

    Keep an open mind, use what works best for you and your clients. Keep personalities out of the equation. It is interesting to see experts like Dave Tate, Louie Simmons, and Zach Even-Esh get involved. Not a bad way to cross market your web site and what you sell. The CF community is a large very targeted market.

    When I have an idea and I keep it to myself I end up with only one idea, if you have an idea and we share ideas, we both end up with two ideas instead of one, who wins and who’s right?

    What is great about this industry is it is always changing, but the proof as in any business is measured in results. Does your training or training methodology get results?

  18. Hey coach Z! That video of the polish team training was crazy, I’m actually going to watch the rest of the ten-part series. I love watching those old-school training videos. Those guys had some crazy strength, mobility, and flexbility!!!

  19. Stephen – well put brother.

    I’ve met assholes everywhere and cool people everywhere.

    Sure, CF was being done before it became prominent on the web, who cares.

    The web changed a lot of things, some for good, some for bad.

    I met A LOT OF great crossfitters in Miami.

    My own programming and philosophy has flaws in it as well, just as EVERY program does.

  20. FLYING ARMBAR!!!! thats all I have to say!!!!

  21. Noah, very true bro, thnx.

    Yea man, I don’t follow the more regular programming found on their Main site, but, is more along my line of training.

    We have a 10 person CrossFit Facility coming to The Underground to learn my system to take back and start up their own alter ego facility!

    It’s an ENTIRE coaching staff, so, I am pretty damn psyched to see these guys and gals bring it back and tear it up.

    It will be a private mentorship with their staff.

    Good stuff!


  22. Sooner_Fan says:

    I follow 5/3/1 with crossfitfootball DWOD and have been pleased.

    Zach, really enjoying seeing these videos and learning and expanding my lifting/strength knowledge.

    I have been guilty of it but most people simply don’t workout hard enough!!

  23. Zach,

    Well said brother! I remember when NFL players would take some ballet classes to work on their balance, coordination, etc. Of course Judo is a little more “manly” but its been a smart way to train for a long time!

    Joe Hashey

    PS. I definitely have to agree with what Stephen wrote, especially the part about me – Haha just messing

  24. We did same exercises while training martial arts in Poland. Where from you get videos like the second one?

  25. Crossfitting can be rough, but so worthwhile. I used to do it and hope to work back up to a safe routine.

  26. Zach,

    Awesome vid of the Kid!

    Loved the old time Polish weightlifters. I think a lot of kids and adults, are missing out today.

    So many think their kid is going to be the next wonder-boy and has them learning one sport (and only one, usually what the dad failed in) as soon as they can walk. Trying to re-live the glory days through their son.

    I remember being in Pys-Ed and you did two weeks of EVERYTHING. Weights, gymnasticss, T&F, team sports galore and whatever other cruel games the coach could think up. We marched, we drilled, we tumbled we wrestled, we swam, we jumped and ran and threw things.

    That is what we did even after school, played every sport you could think of and even invented many tackling games of our own.

    Doing such from an early age gives children so much more talent and ability to apply to a later sport once they mature more physically and mentally. Sure they might not peak at 16 as boy-wonder, but their career will be there and they will last much longer in it, be less apt to burn out and also enjoy it way more.

    I would say focus on building all around ability in many fields to create a well-rounded athlete. Then once they hit college, specialize.

    Yet, I realize many HS students rely on scholarships thru a particular sport to get to college. So they are almost forced to specialize at an early age. So sad. They are many times not as well rounded and conditioned as they could be.

    Would be better to give athletic scholarship to someone who demonstrated a wider variety of talent and ability in a handful or more of sporting activities. Sort of a total count of how they did in a variety of sports. Then once at college, choose a sport to focus on for four years.

    Then after that send them into a lower paid contract with a semi-pro type team to focus on the sport more.

    After two years of that, those that survive and do good get drafted into professional sports. They would still be in their early to mid twenties and much more mature physically and mentally.

    So many college athletes don’t make it to the pros. And those that do, usually find they are nowhere near as well prepared as they thought to deal with the power and ability of guys 4-5 years or more their senior. It takes a rookie several years to toughen up to the pro level. Seems the whole sporting world would benefit by slowing up the process by a few years.

    And then maybe there wouldn’t be so many pro athletes making poor judgement choices in their lifes because they hit the big time so quick. Would give athletes a little more time to mature, not just physically, but emotionally and mentally as well.

    Unless you are a world class competitor making a living at a particular sport, you are far better off training in a multitude of modalities.

    I’d rather have someone on my side or team who has done a large variety of training with different implements and sports, etc. rather than some Wii trained kid who specializes in just one sport to the exclusion of all other activities.

    I’ve messed around with guys who specialize and yeah, they can win at their focused sport of choice, but you can usually give them a good run for their money and surprise them so they have to really work to win.

    And then when you compete with them in nearly any other activity you can hand their butt to them.


  27. Zach,

    I remember you post the polish video at least 2 years ago, am I right?
    Those are very precious documentaries and if you watch the whole series (10 videos), you can see that the lifters also do volleyball basketball and soccer.

    I remember when I was playing college baseball, we were also doing soccer games for conditioning.
    I have to admit that I am not sure that baseball players should spend too much time playing soccer but it does improve general conditioning.

    And yes, Derek is a mofo! πŸ˜‰

  28. That is one bad wrestler kid! You can tell that he gas put A LOT of effort into his training regiment. This kid is a beast! This just goes to show you what you can do when you put your mind to it.

  29. Keep an open mind, use what works best for you and your clients. Keep personalities out of the equation. Nice post, thanks for comment.

  30. Ok so ive been trying to get into better shape and tone up for quite some time but i have yet to find a good plan. i have tried the 2, 3, and 4 day plans of lifting and cardio but i wanted to try some sort of cross fit training to work up a better cardio as well as gain muscle because i have been learing jiu jitsu. if anyone could please direct me towards good crossfit weekly plan i would greatly appretiate it.

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  32. People hate crossfit cause they realize it’s just a bunch of marketing b.s.

    Crossfit = cross training / station training

    That’s it. The rest is PR marketing b.s.

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