Here is the final installment of my 2 part video QnA regarding the question, "Should I become a CrossFit Affiliate?"
Feel free to comment in the comments section below 🙂
Recommended Resources:
Underground Strength Coach Cert
Here is the final installment of my 2 part video QnA regarding the question, "Should I become a CrossFit Affiliate?"
Feel free to comment in the comments section below 🙂
Recommended Resources:
Underground Strength Coach Cert
STRONG Life Podcast ep 484 Brought to you by The STRONG Life Newsletter (BEST FREE Strength Training Courses HERE) 🎙️ Coach Reb Brock | Football
STRONG Life Podcast ep 483 Brought to you by: Zach Strength – The BEST FREE Strength Training Courses The Underground Strength Academy – 20 Years
STRONG Life Podcast ep 482 20+ Years in Strength: Lessons in Business, the Evolution of The Underground Strength Gym & Coaching Tactics. Brought to you
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4 Responses
Hey Z,
Thanks for sharing your experience. I will be affiliating soon and you have shed some light on the topic. I am still in my garage and I am trying to gather as much info as I can before I head out and affiliate.
Be safe buddy, especially on the road.
Kaine Tessier
HYBRID Strength
“We Begin Now”
long time stalker and follower of your web site and info. Love what you do and what you represent. Nice job!
Kaine, ha ha, MUCH respect bro, enjoy your journey and keep us posted!!!
Coach Tucker – I’m BIG time honored and humbled to know you even knew I existed, ha ha!
Thank you for stopping by and look forward to our eventually meeting and learning from you!!
Thank You, Sir!