Every time I read any of Dan John's books, watch his videos or get the opportunity to talk training and life with him, I walk away smarter. I've been following Dan's articles and reading his books, watching his DVDs for close to a decade now.
Check out our latest conversation on life and lifting. You will be educated and inspired. And who doesn't need more knowledge and inspiration?
[youtube width="640" height="390"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHPLRRCBoII[/youtube]
Make sure you check out Dan's latest book co-authored with Pavel HERE.
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PS: Do me a HUGE favor, share this interview with your friends on facebook and twitter, that would LEGIT if you could spread the word. BIG thanks in advance.
EASY Strength with Dan John & Pavel
A Kick Ass Book! Get It HERE
9 Responses
Dan john is great! As is this interview, so much info that I took from this but I had to watch it twice because there times that I got side tracked by Dan’s sense of humor. Such a down to earth guy. Great post and video Zach.
Thnx, Bro! Dan John is super down to earth, gotta LOVE that! So refreshing!
Great interview! It hit me the talk about what you want for your children. My wife and I have always said our children will be children. Play at parks, in our yard, getting dirty and having fun. We will not put them in after school programs. I have seen to many kids burnt out by 12yo because they run from one activity to another until 9pm at night. When they get to an age level where the school has sports then they may participate.
Family members will comment they learn so much about skills in the programs, and how to play the sport. I comment that I do that at home. My sons have a great swing of the bat, can shoot the basketball, and throw a spiral. Because I play with my boys! The family members take offense but it is true. I don’t need someone else teaching my boys. That is what a parent does.
Evolution of training! When I look back to how I use to train, and how I do now I shake my head. What an idiot I was back then! Taking countless amount of supplements, marathon training sessions, and with no gains. Thinking then I need to do more and more. Finally I stopped supplementing, doing shorter to the point training and was getting bigger and stronger each session.
At least I am getting wiser with age!
Kids HAVE 2 have FUN – life is getting too serious for young kids nowadays, not cool! My kids LOVE the garage, they climb the rope and hit the rings like CRAZY! ha ha
My daughter was climbing the rope at age 3 1/2 and my son the same! They do it on their own, I just encourage them and tell them how special they are!
Haha, Did I hear Gaelic Hurling in there. I wonder if there is many here that know what that is.
Great vid guys, thanks
Great interview man. I had never read anything about Dan John before this but I ordered the book immediately after. Can’t wait to read through it.
This book is SIC, also get Dan John’s book, ‘Never Let Go’
Top top interview. Nice to see you both so relaxed and that made it easier to watch and listen.
Like Dustin, the children bit got me right there. My grandson just runs, runs and then runs again, playing and err…running. He loves it and is a proper little boy.
yea man, just relaxing and talking life and lifting!!