Deadlift Lessons from The Deadly Dads


After 3 hours of training ALL of us Broke Personal Records in the Deadlift.

NO Science, NO Bull Shit and NO Excuses.

Watch and Learn!

What else can I say?

I LOVE to lift and LOVE to be around motivated BEASTS.

Drop a comment with your thoughts, psyched to hear about what helps YOU break records!

Lead from the FRONT!


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14 Responses

  1. Zach,

    3 PR’s after 3 hours of training! That’s some craaaaaazy sh*t! Now that is truly leading from the front!

    I hope that if I am blessed with kids that I can set an example like this – friggin’ awesome! Makes me wanna deadlift today – haha!

    Right on point with surrounding yourself with the right people. I like training by myself but from time to time you need that edge, that fire of competition that fuels results and PR’s!

    SIIICK! Keep it up man!

    “Age Qoud Agis” “What you do; Do well!”

    – Christopher

  2. Love it! You rock! How old are the three of you, anyway?

    I’m a Dad with three kids, I’ll be 39 on Thursday, and I’m still in the trenches training hard, so seeing you guys bustin’ pr’s with those numbers is inspirational, to say the least!

  3. Jordan Syat says:

    Awesome post man. Keep up with the good stuff

  4. Off the scale guys…friggin awesome lifts

    loving it

  5. nice job w/ the PRs! you got me ultra motivated to not only top my PR but to beat yours 🙂 So I’m now up to 450 on the straight bar. I’m coming for you ZACH!!!

  6. Chris, hey bro, I train solo prob 90% of the time, I love a solid crew of partners more often than not!

  7. Torrey, thank you! I’m 34 and the youngest of the crew!!! Age has NO limits, it’s only the limits you allow to be set upon yourself!!!

  8. Njama, hells yea, you motivate me to go heavier!

  9. Tyler Taggart says:

    Im not quite a dad yet, only 19…so still got a while. But this post was awesome! Great job on the PR’s but I was wondering, what were those queues you kept giving eachother…grip feet rip or something? Care to elaborate on the technique of them?

  10. Love it Dogg! Grip it, drop the hips, drive with blood trees, finish with back! Nothing better than walking around with bloody schins! Wait! Having people tell you you’re bleeding, and then smiling at them and saying, “I know just broke a PR.”


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