Deadlifts + Isometrics: OLD Training for NEW Results


Deadlifts have been around since the dawn of time. Cavemen lifting heavy objects off the ground. It's so simple, it's complicated. It doesn't have to be complicated, BUT, people nowadays LOVE to complicate things. I don't know why?

I assume because it helps people FEEL as if they are accomplishing more by creating more complication.

In this video, I encourage you to TEST this yourself. HOW? By lifting the weights. There is NO other way. You can research all you want but until you are actually moving the weights yourself, it's all just theory.

The ultimate "lab" is the gym. Whether your gym is in your garage, basement or backyard, it doesn't matter. Weights are weights and the iron never lies.

Watch the video. Take from it what you will and do the work.

Below is an older video of some training from The Underground. From heavy lifting to jump training to throwing med balls.

Simple Takeaways on Eccentrics and Iso Holds:

1) Lift Heavy when performing isometrics. Perform the isos mid set or as stand alone sets. Test what works best but remember, nothing works forever so be prepared to change.

2) Experiment with Eccentrics to test the effects on how your joints feel after 4-6 weeks. Doing something for 1 - 3 weeks is often not long enough to test the validity of a training method.

3) Don't neglect other areas of peformance. You should still Lift / Move with Speed. This can and should be sprints, jumps and med ball throws. You can also perform speed work with other objects: Dumbbells, Barbells, Kettlebells.

4) Consistency. Don't expect anything unless you're EARNING it. Results take TIME. If you're new here, don't expect me to share some BS fads & gimmicks. The truth is, ALL of this stuff takes WORK. There is no way around the work.

5) Iso Holds can be done with bodyweight, but, for best results in Strength, the isometrics should be done with heavy weights. Research has shown the bodyweight is holds is best for recovery. Iso Training with heavy weights is what develops greater strength.

My last piece of advice is simple.

If you're struggling with results, spend MORE time in the squat rack. Squats, Deads, Presses, Rows, Chins & Dips. You can't go wrong with the good ol' basics. Add sprints to this list coupled with quality food & lifestyle and you will get the results you seek.

Live The Code 365,


Underground Strength & Sports Performance Coach Certification

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