Dealing With Pain & “Failure”


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If you want to learn to succeed in life then you need to learn train hard. REALLY hard.

I'm talking Hard physical training that pushes the mind to the next level, making you uncomfortable.... pushing you FAR outside your comfort zone.

I'll tell ya this much....

This style of training is NOT the best style of training to become stronger in the realm of deadlifting 500 lbs, benching 315 lbs, etc.

You MIGHT get to those numbers but that isn't the main goal. Your main goal is the development of the mind and body at levels that are NOT the norm for most men.

These workouts or challenges often times push you to the brink.... you question WTF you're doing, you question your performance, you question if you should have done heavy deadlifts instead of carrying a pair of 70 lb kettlebells for a 1/4 mile or some other type of crazy workout.

Sometimes you don't make it through the workout as you hoped for or expected, in turn, you learn how to better deal with the ups and downs of life. Is this considered a "failure"?

Only YOU can answer that question. It REALLY depends on the lesson you learned and if you're willing to take stock in what went wrong and how to correct it, coming back stronger and mentally tougher for the next time.

The science gets thrown out the window and the workout becomes a battle of will.

I've mentioned this MANY times before, a piece of advice given to me by a former Navy SEAL:

"The worst thing a man can do in his life is lose his edge."

He was right.

It's time to MTFU (Man The F**K UP).

That means you gotta do it in lifting AND life.

If you run a business, then push out of the comfort zone and create MORE success. Do you WANT MORE success? Then you must create more value for others.

Do this:

1) Drop a comment, tell us the kick ass workout you're gonna do today or tomorrow to develop your body AND mind

2) If you're a biz owner, push the envelope, get to The Underground Strength Conference.

Let's DO This!

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9 Responses

  1. That video was spot on epic, good find Zach. Time to go kill it in the gym!!!

  2. Parker Williamson says:

    I’m about to go on a long trail run, then come back to my house and work on my pullups and clean n’ press

  3. Here’s my deal for the day:

    thorough warmup, some Yoga then 100-kettlebell-snatchtest with a 20kg.

    After that its 3 runs through this circuit (no pause between, 1min between sets):
    -10xkettlbellsquats (2x24kg)
    -10xdouble kettlebell swing (2x24kg)
    -pullup ladder (various)
    -5xkettlebell deadlifts (2x24kg)
    -10xhanging leg raises
    -10xkettlebell manmakers (2x24kg)
    -kettlebell clean&press ladder

    -farmers walk up&down the stairs
    -some fun with gripstrengthtraining (grippers, stones, etc.)

    All in all it only takes about an hour. After showering I take a 40min walk through the park to settle the mind and get the juices flowing. Mind you – I’m not a heavy lifter, more focussed on endurance & speed.
    Sven, Italy

  4. This post reminded me of last year when I hiked up mt. Mansfield carrying a 60# rock.
    After ward I swore I would never do it again because it hurt so much.
    But the other night I was talking to my friend and now I haven the itch do do the same, but this time with a 70# rock.

  5. Jeff Sand says:

    Squat pyramid 10,8,6,4,2,1,6
    BB row 3×10
    Snatches from floor 3×5
    Upright row 3×10
    Romanian dead lift 3×10
    Iso row 3×10
    Lat pull down 3×10

  6. Chase Kyriacou says:

    After my baseball practice, ill head to my boys house where we have our underground set up. Pull the toys out and roll!
    5 rounds 15 sec on/15 sec off

    A) Med ball slams
    B) lunge jumps
    C) Heavy ass backwards sled drag
    D) Sled high pulls (I dont own a tire otherwise i would use that)
    E) Burpees

  7. “Matt @ 3:05 pm #

    This post reminded me of last year when I hiked up mt. Mansfield carrying a 60# rock.
    After ward I swore I would never do it again because it hurt so much.
    But the other night I was talking to my friend and now I haven the itch do do the same, but this time with a 70# rock.”

    ^^^ What a beast!

  8. I just want to say that after reading this post/watching the video, I had the most brutal and ass kicking workout of my life. I love training and I have learned to push through in the gym, but HIIT kills me.
    So I went out and did sprint intervals until I puked. Not only did I physically exceed my limits, but today(the day after) I have a noticable mental edge and I am excelling at my non-strength goals. There is something about overcoming in the gym that transfers beautifully into the rest of your life.
    Thanks for the motivation!

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