Since being in gyms from the age of 13 (1989) until today where I own 2 gyms and work with Coaches around the world on both training and business, I have learned a few things that are often NOT spoken of.
I've seen gyms come and go. I've payed attention to the small details as to WHY some succeeded and why some did not. I've seen why some Strength Coaches crush it and why others always toil in mediocrity.
I've seen Strength Coaches with the abundance mindset and I've seen other Strength Coaches and Gurus who always gossip negatively about others.
This puts me in a state of constant learning and awareness of self.
There are certain Things that should be known and (hopefully) applied for Strength Coaches and Gym Owners.
It REALLY hit me when I was listening to an old audio from The Ultimate Warrior when he spoke at the first ever Underground Strength Conference.
Like all of us, The Warrior was flawed. We all are. Some of us make mistakes and own them, others make mistakes and blame others or gossip.
Some who are flawed just don't give a shyt, pointing fingers at everyone else, while others who are flawed are truly trying to do good by learning from their mistakes.
The words of The Warrior made me think about something recently in regards to Strength Coaches.
Here's a bit of what The Warrior said to the 75 or 80 Strength Coaches in attendance back in 2012.....
"You can have a nicer car, more money, a bigger house than everybody else..... But those things do not measure your true success. Stop worrying about what's fashionable in the fitness industry....."
"If you're not inspiring people....ย If you're not changing people's lives..... instead of just instructing people, why not be someone who inspire's people to live their OWN lives....."
What does this mean?
If you're a Coach, STOP waiting for others to give you permission to succeed as a Strength Coach.... GO & DO it on your OWN terms, not the terms of other coaches & gurus.
STOP looking at what other coaches are doing to determine if this is what you should be doing..... if this is the proper path of "the fitness industry".
Create your own unique path. It doesn't matter if you're just starting as a Strength Coach or if you've been around for 10 or 20 years.
Yes, some people think just because they've been around longer than you means they are entitled to success but this is NOT the truth. Being around longer than someone else doesn't make you a better coach. Being better at your craft, caring more, inspiring more..... THIS is what makes you better.
Yes, you MIGHT have more clients, more money, an expensive watch, a nicer car, a bigger house, etc. THAT is not the measure of your success as a Strength Coach.ย
None of those things mean ANYTHING if the people walking in and out of your gym are NOT transforming themselves physically, emotionally and in LIFE.
Do NOT let your clients walk in and out of your gym, month after month (or longer) and still look the same. It is unacceptable. You must find a way to help them create change.
Who is more successful?
The Coach changing lives with 100 clients, or the Coach with 200 clients yet his members still look the same, still out of shape, unhealthy and not inspired to change their OWN life?
The answer lies in the total Truth, NOT the bank account. Yes, if a business is to succeed, it MUST make money. It must be profitable. That is truth.
But, Some Coaches don't give a shyt about the results anymore. They don't care that their clients do half rep push ups, round back deadlifts and knees caved in on squats.
If that's YOU, then it's time to hang it up. Don't be That Coach.
Caring is rule # 1 for Coaches. Period. If you don't genuinely care then you don't belong in this industry.
And, if you're a Coach who truly DOES CARE, but you don't understand the business side of things, then you MUST learn the business side. We all wish it wasn't true because the beauty and joy is in the training, the craft of what we do. We wish it was as simple as being a great coach = running a successful business. It doesn't happen that way anymore.
Coaches who care with all their heart are often times purists, they just want to change lives, they don't want to worry about marketing or business.They don't want to accept the change in ways of doing business. But, you must accept the change and make it work.
The bottom line is this: There are too many Coaches out there with great business skills but not skilled in changing lives.
They turn a blind eye to the round back deadlift and the half rep push ups. They don't follow through on their clients outside of the gym, checking in on nutrition, pushing them and inspiring them to change their lifestyle and more.
In turn, no one gets results. It's just another day of going through the motions. The Coach has become a clock puncher. He or she gets payed and they show up. Nothing more and nothing else.
Don't be That Coach.
Be The Coach who Lives The Code 365, The Relentless Pursuit of Excellence.
I understand and have seen a new shift the past 4 or 5 years, where the opposite is also true. There are lots of Coaches out there who WANT to change lives but they don't have the business skills to understand the marketing of the business.
To change more lives you must learn the business side of things as well. I wish it was as easy as being the best Coach, but it's just not the case. In addition to caring with all your heart, being passionate beyond words and being a true expert in your training, you MUST know how to implement business / marketing and you must also be disciplined in applying the marketing.
Without the discipline in your marketing, you will be another Strength Coach / Fitness Coach who has a struggling business that is ready to go under. If I had my way, I'd rather see the Coaches who care with booming gyms, BUT, it's just not the case. It's not the truth.
In order to succeed, you need to face the truths of running a business head on. This is why cities continue to flourish and businesses do not. Cities evolve with the changes but most businesses owners do not want to change with the times.
Most Coaches in the fitness industry are watching what everyone else is doing. They are trying to see what is fashionable today, what is the "right thing" to do.
Don't be That Coach.
We need more Self Thinkers and we need more Change Makers.
We need more Coaches who genuinely care about changing lives and less Coaches who turn a blind eye to excellence.
Put your blinders on and don't only learn the business side of training, you must APPLY it.
If you're engaging in gossip (the language of the weak) then you're not going to change this world or inspire others.
I wrote this article because I have stopped helping Coaches with business and marketing for about 3 years. I was getting asked on a daily basis for "business stuff" for Strength Coaches and even I was delusional.
I wanted to believe that being GREAT at Coaching would be THE answer but I KNEW this was not the truth. So I asked myself what is the ultimate way to change the lives of more people in this world?
My answer was clear: I can NOT do this alone. There needs to be MORE Coaches out there better educated in training AND business, LESS Coaches out there who are followers and gossipers.
It took me a while to face the truth and to stop ignoring and disregarding the requests I get to help more Strength Coaches.
So, if you're ready to be a LEADER and NOT a follower / gossiper then I am ready as well. There's no need to look at what other coaches are doing. No need to get permission from others.
There simply needs to be YOU, taking a stand.
Stand for something or Fall for Anything.
Live The Code 365,