Don’t Fool Yourself With These 3 Strength & Conditioning Mistakes



It's easy to get caught up in using exercises and workouts that might look cool and effective on video, BUT, at the end of the day, the flashy exercises and cool looking workouts don't deliver the bottom line results that REALLY count for you to succeed and achieve your high level goals.

You want to avoid these mistakes, avoid getting sucked into using these "magic bullets" and fads that pull you away from the basics and the result proven exercises & methods that never fail you or anyone else.

Let me explain....

In this Video, I was asked by a few Wrestling Coaches how to best utilize in season wrestling workouts that do NOT cut into practice time.

Watch this video where I deliver the hard hitting truth about mistakes being made by Wrestling Coaches, Wrestlers and Coaches / Athletes in general and then see my bullet points after....

[youtube width="640" height="360"][/youtube]

1) Training is year round, whether you compete as an athlete or in life, train for life. If you're a Coach, you must instill year round training into your athletes.

2) Basics WIN. In wrestling you see things like plate workouts and circuit training being the "in thing". yes, they give a good "workout" but, so does Wrestling practice in and of itself alone.

It is more productive to utilize the tried and true basics of squats, deadlifts, clean & press, rope climbs, farmer walks and the like. BUT, these basics require teaching / learning, this is why we must implement them year round, allowing in season training to flow smoothly & efficiently.

This applies to ALL sports, not just Wrestling.

3) Train OUT-side of Your Your Normal Environment. I recall when we first began wrestling on the front lawn of the gym next door. 95% of the wrestlers were scared as all heck. It was off the wrestling mat, outside their comfort zone and they all froze. It took 5 minutes the first time for one wrestler to step up and wrestle on the grass.

This means you must train OUT of your regular environment to develop a greater level of physical, mentalย  even spiritual development.

Watch these videos and you'll see outdoor training, not just the "perfect environment" training....

[youtube width="640" height="360"][/youtube]

[youtube width="640" height="360"][/youtube]

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[youtube width="640" height="360"][/youtube]

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4 Responses

  1. So true in that the practise itself is part of the conditioning. Feel that’s where I let myself down last season with not doing enough sparring.

    In the off season im focusing on strength and in season i will maintain and get plenty of rounds of sparring in. Even if it will be with the inexperienced kids, I will use them for light shots, timing and reactions.

    I’ve got to get the title this time!

    1. Nathan, awesome brutha, keep me posted!!

  2. Lately I haven’t been training like I use to, making too many excuses. Not too long ago a relative of mine passed away, and I feel so much regret because I didn’t get to know him as well as I wanted to. It’s opened my eyes to not waste time…especially with my training. Like my uncle, I can never get it back, and I don’t want to die realizing I didn’t do what I could have. You say, it’s better to live your dreams than dream your life THAT’S SO TRUE. Thank you Zach, and just so you know… I’m really loving all your recent posts about wrestling, and this has to be my favourite. Please make more. Save Olympic Wrestling!!!

    1. Josh – as always, a loved one would rather see you achieve your goals and be a go-getter vs someone who sits in sorrow

      That is THE way to make this person proud of U!

      Get after it, brutha, use the free resources from

      Those 2 free e books are legit, most breeze through them, those who use them become ass kickers!!!

      Go get it, Brutha!

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