202 | Underground Strength History, Building Hammers & Balancing That Strength Coach Lifestyle


STRONG Life Podcast ep. 202!

This was a GREAT QnA episode where I dug deep and answered your questions with some awesome stories and in depth info.

Here's just some of the questions I answered:

- How do you start the conversation with an in person or online client that you know is not compliant with your program?

- Dating back to the original Underground Garage-give us an example of a β€œbasic” (anything but!) workout you would put those kids through. Love that stuff man! Keep it up bro!

- I am learning how to tell when to push those I am coaching, and when to step back and allow them to recover. Some of my clients are not the most conditioned. Do you have anything that you watch for, or any wisdom with this? Thank you in advance coach!

- How do you balance your many work responsibilities, and still prioritize your family (specifically your wife). I am learning the balance currently.

- What value do you as the employer feel you get from internships?

- When training youth athletes in a group setting, how do you address muscle imbalances that you notice in individual athletes? Given that there is less one-on-one time together.
If you are going to do agility and strength work in the same session, which would you do first? Would incorporate the agility work into the warmup?

- In your underground strength manual you say that diamond gym taught you to do everything heavy but how is it possible to push yourself like that without getting injured?

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Enjoy the show and please leave a 5 star review!

The Online Underground Strength & Performance Cert

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