261: Zach & Dr. Pat Ivey Talk Life, Strength Coach Career & More


STRONG Life Podcast ep. 261 with Dr. (Coach) Pat Ivey.

We dig deep on this podcast from mindset, to life, to career and everything in between sets, reps and strength. Here are just some of the topics we cover in this BEAST of a podcast ๐Ÿ™‚

  • What is my morning routine and what runs through my mind when I wake up and start the day
  • Finding the elegant balance between hard work and family time
  • Taking care of the athletes we train like they are our own kids
  • How growing up in tough areas shaped our coaching and parenting philosophies
  • Pat's experiences as he transitioned from Strength & Conditioning to Administration
  • What Coaches should be preparing for as they "get older" before it's too late?
  • Building relationships and mistakes to avoid when coaching for another organization / university

This was a powerful conversation with Pat as we collectively bring 40+ years of experience to the strength & conditioning profession. Enjoy and get your learn on!

Brought to you by https://Sorinex.com

Connect with Pat: https://pativey.com/

Listen to Pat's Podcast HERE


I recently saw someone say on twitter, "No Certification can teach you how to manage large groups of athletes with varied skill / ability levels."

I don't toot my own horn but the fact of the matter is, this coach is WRONG.

The Underground Strength Coach Cert teaches you exactly how I train groups of athletes from youth to the collegiate level as well as adults. Our groups are regularly mixed with various age groups and of course, various levels of training ability.

It's a blueprint of my experiences and methods that I've collected and successfully applied since my first coaching job in 1995 all the way to current days coaching. Whether you coach at the private sector, in high school or at the collegiate level, The USC Cert will teach you exactly how to build athletes who dominate in sports.

Details HERE

" Anyone who wants to know how to train high school and college kids to get Strong AF, with tried and true training methods, who do they go to? They check out The Underground Strength Gym and Zach Even - Esh."

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