262 | QnA: Life Lessons Since Covid, High School Strength & Conditioning + New Dad Advice


STRONG Life Podcast ep 262 is a BEAST of a QnA!

Great questions ranging from:

- High School Strength & Conditioning career advice

- My Knee Rehab / Recovery after meniscus repair

- Communicating with athletes to build a TEAM of Leaders

- Why I am starting a New Certification, The SSPC (Strength & Sports Performance Coach)


- What help does a Strength Coach Certification REALLY do for you?

- Advice for a new Dad

This was a Great episode.

Brought to you by my friends at https://Sorinex.com

Enjoy and please leave a 5 star review ๐Ÿ™‚

And if you're itching to see some new training footage, here's some clips from our athletes crushing it at The Underground Strength Gym.

If you're a Strength Coach hungry to learn the training and business systems that will grow your business and change the lives of your athletes, check out my new certification, The SSPC.

Details HERE.

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