283: “I Judge People by the Excuses they Make”



I was reading through some old business newsletters that I used to subscribe to from about 2003 or so until maybe 2012. It's all a blur but these business newsletters were over $500 / month yet worth their weight in gold.

I gave away 90% of them a few years ago but saved a few just for reference, for a good kick in the pants when I wanted to go back and read information that played a crucial role in my success. When I subscribed to these newsletters, I would immediately read them, take notes and most of all, TAKE ACTION.

And the more I invested in these newsletters (the basic package was about $27 / month), the more skin I had in the game, the more successful my business became. I simply JUMPED the ladder of success, rather than climbing it. I wanted to learn from the best to bypass wasted time, effort, energy and money.

And so this particular page that I read, well, I justย hadย to share it with you. The title of that article was: "I Judge People by the Excuses they Make". Dan Kennedy didn't care if he was hurting feelings, he would speak his truth and share what has worked and it was always a little jab at the excuse makers. Rightfully so.

Listen to this STRONG Life Podcast below, and even though the article was written for entrepreneurs and business owners, it is truly for everyone, regardless of your profession, career, goals, etc.

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Until the next time.....

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