287: Wrestling Strength & Conditioning Master Class


STRONG Life Podcast ep 287: Wrestling Strength & Conditioning Master Class

Brought to you by SORINEX.

Every year I hear stories from the wrestlers I train during the first 2 weeks of the season. The stories usually sound like this: "We haven't done any wrestling yet, we've just been running through halls and running stairs because the coaches want us to get in shape."

And so, every year when I post my feelings about this, people get overly sensitive and refuse to see the forest from the trees. I explain and break it all down in this Video and Podcast. So, to get a true understanding of why I said what I said, you're gonna have to listen and learn.

Conversing through twitter is not a solid option - it's just a bunch of people shouting their random thoughts without diving into the context of what someone just said.

When training wrestlers, I love the approach of "filling buckets".

What do they do in practice?

What do they do outside of practice?

What do they need to work on to make them a better wrestler?

What is the minimum effective dose?

What needs to be addressed in training to boost the mental aspect, not just the physical aspect?

As a Coach, you must consistently ask yourself; Is this giving the athlete the best results possible with the time we have?

If you're a Coach and want to Learn the Proven Training Methods, Program Design & the A-Z Blueprint for building BEAST Athletes then take action with The Underground Strength Coach Certification. We Will Close Registration Soon!

If you want access to all of my wrestling strength & conditioning programs, training courses and videos, they are all inside The Underground Strength Academy HERE.

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