345: 1962 Lessons in Strength, Country & Leadership! A Call to Arms!


STRONG Life Podcast ep 345

This episode is powerful!

1962 Lessons in Strength, Country & Leadership! A Call to Arms!

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In this episode I read to you an excerpt from Physical Power Magazine, where Walt Marcyan writes a editorial calling athletes and former athletes to step up as politicians because the country needed stronger men and women in congress.

Here we are 60 years later and this letter and message is more important today, in 2022, than ever before. A Must Watch / Listen!

Watch the Video as I read from the magazine......

Listen below:

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I have been growing more and more concerned through the years with what I see in this world and this country. I see lots of excuses, lots of blaming, lots of helping the lazy and supporting those who volunteer to be weak.

This is a massive problem, where the hard working, honest people are actually punished, just as it was described in this 1962 magazine. We can not wait or even hope for the government to help us, let alone save us. It starts with you. It starts in your home.

We must celebrate hard work. The shortcuts and the cheating should not be celebrated. Doing the right thing and Earning things should be the goal. Free handouts and protecting the criminals, the cheaters and the excuse makers should never be the norm, let alone allowed.

Strength and Work Ethic for the WIN. I see NO other way.

Live The Code 365,


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