454: Strength Training Lessons from the Mountains of West Virginia


I had a great time traveling with my daughter for Tennis at West Va University. 

My buddies encouraged me to connect with Tanner Kolb, The S&C Coach for West Va. University Wrestling and I am so glad I did! I knew I had heard of Tanner and his last name also rang a bell. Tanner doesn't post on social, he is a pure Coach.

We chatted for 90 minutes and I recorded a few tidbits to share with you below......

When I walked into the building, 2 wrestlers were training on a Saturday around 6 PM. We chatted quickly and one of the kids has Grandparents who live in Manasquan and his Dad played Football in Manasquan, talk about a SMALL World!!

Tanner's Dad, Jon Kolb, is a 13 yr NFL veteran and also competed in the early World's Strongest Man Contests back around when I was baby!

I was lucky enough to find a key club gym one of the days I was there and crushed a great training session. Unfortunately, I could not train on Sunday because non members can only train during staffed hours, although the "staff" that was there may have been a 20 yr old girl but such is the insurance life for gyms......

Below are a few pics......

Get some Anabolic Coffee or an Anabolic Protein Shake and enjoy these videos as well as an article I am linking below about Tanner's Dad, Jon Kolb. 

Here is a GREAT article about Jon Kolb and how he was underrated as a NFL player but NOT underrated as a man. READ HERE.

At the 40 minute mark, you see Jon Kolb vs Bill Kazmaier in the tug of war below:

I will expand on this trip with a STRONG Life Podcast so standby for more updates!

Here's a video from FloWrestling visiting West Va:


STRONG Life Podcast ep 454, Listen Below:

Lessons Learned / Topics Covered:

- Lessons learned from WVU Strength Coach, Tanner Kolb

- Stories of Tanner's Dad, NFL Veteran (Steelers) and World's Strongest Man Competitor, Jon olb

- Stories and Lessons from Jim Wendler

- Books Zach recommends to read for coaching and building culture on a team

- Why the mountains and nature are good for the soul

- Why Zach is partnering with friends for The Underground Strength Con and why You need a TEAM

- 2 BIG Updates (STRONG Dads Program & The Underground Strength Con)



Listen on Apple Podcasts HERE

Listen on Spotify Podcasts HERE

BIG Thanks to all who keep crushing 5 star reviews! Listen as I always choose a review as a winner and you must email me to get your prize!

Live The Code 365, 


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