457 | Dad STRONG ft Joey Szat / Szat Strength & Anthony Diehl | Strength Training & Fat Loss for Busy Dads


STRONG Life Podcast ep 457  - Dad STRONG ft Joey Szat / Szat Strength & Anthony Diehl | Strength Training & Fat Loss for Busy Dads


This episode is Brought to you by my new program, DAD STRONG - DETAILS HERE

In this episode that was filmed live at The Underground Strength Gym in Manasquan, I had guests Joey Szatmary and Anthony Diehl come in as we discussed strength training, fat loss, training around injuries and the mindset behind training as a busy Dad / busy man.

Dad STRONG is on TrainHeroic and features 3 workouts each, 30 minutes each workout with simple equipment yet highly effective in getting RESULTS.

More Details Here: https://GetDadStrong.com/ 

Listen to this episode:

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Here is the full body workout we did after our podcast. It was focused on upper body but by adding carries and sleds, it becomes a full body strength training session. 

If you are a busy Dad, then see a screenshot below of what our workouts look like inside of Dad STRONG. These are 30 minute workouts, 3 x week. 

Below is an excerpt from my STRONG Life Insider (FREE Newsletter HERE) where I send you short and powerful training / life tips so you can take action and dominate in your health, strength, fitness and ALL around LIFE.

Men are ALL busy (especially Dads), no matter where in the world you live, the challenge is the same and we all have the same 24 hours in our day to day life. 

I want to share with You 3 simple and effective tips for busy men focusing on strength training and building muscle with home gym workouts:

1) Prioritize Compound Movements:

Focus on exercises that work multiple muscle groups at once, like squats, deadlifts, and push ups / pull ups, farmer walks, etc.

The Basics never let you down.

These movements maximize efficiency and provide the most benefit in the shortest amount of time.

2) Set a Consistent Routine:

Most men on the forum seem to say that they train in the morning before the family wakes up and "Life Happens".

Even with a busy schedule, consistency is key.

Dad STRONG is All about training with 30 minute workouts and if that's too much, remove 1 set from all exercises and you can probably finish in 22 minutes.

Listen, a short workout is 100% more than Zero.

3) Use Supersets to Save Time:

I started these in 1989 when reading how Arnold and other Golden Era Bodybuilders did this.

It worked 50 years ago and it still works GREAT to this day.

Combine two exercises back-to-back with minimal rest in between.

For example, follow a set of push ups with a set of pull ups or recline row.

Squats + Jumps (Contrast Method for Strength & Power).

This keeps your heart rate up and reduces the overall time needed for your workout.

Until the next time, keep attacking life and let's keep crushing it together!

Thank you to ALL who leave a 5 star review HERE on the STRONG Life Podcast. 

Live The Code 365,


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