464: Winners vs Losers | Why Some (Athletes, Coaches, Parents) WIN & MANY LOSE


STRONG Life Podcast ep 464 

Brought to you by The Underground Strength Con - Details HERE

Why some Coaches, Athletes and Parents WIN and why the majority are Losing or Average.

Something that has been on my mind since my high school years is that of Success; Why do some dominate in their chosen arena and why do some struggle. Whether it has to do with athletics, business, relationships or any aspect of life, there are clues as to why some are winning, why some are average and why way too many people keep struggling and losing.

5 Star Review Challenge - Every time someone leaves a 5 star review for The STRONG Life Podcast I like to reward the BEST review, the one that you can tell comes from the heart.

This time around, the winner gets my last copy (physical book) of the FULL copy of IRON JOURNEYS. The entire book has never been released......

I see reviews once a month and I think to myself, wow, do we just take and take here? With everything or the majority given away freely, people have less respect for information. I remember paying for it ALL, Nothing was Free. 

Enjoy the Show and thank you for the support! 


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