Episode # 101: This is what motivates me


Athletes come to The Underground Strength Gym, more often than not, weaker than a 98 lb weakling, no joke.

My motivation is to get them strong as hell, and while doing so, I need to walk the talk and remain stronger.

You never know what must be done to represent.

On New Years, 1 of my athletes hit a 115 lb pull up weighing 240 lbs, I hit a 106 lb pull up weighing 220.

One of the young guns, a high school sophomore is addicted to The Underground - he wants to train all the time and always does extra work as he awaits his ride home (that is, if he's not running to the gym).

Let's see who wins....

Now, EVERY workout Pierce busts out a challenge at me.

Monday he challenged me to pull ups, so, I let him go first. I also added that I would wear a 20 lb chain. I did that for the mind games, ala Muhammad Ali ๐Ÿ™‚

I hit 15 no problem, Pierce hit 10 ๐Ÿ™‚

Next year he might get me in something, so stay tuned!

Kill it!


PS: I'll be around during the day tomorrow, so if you have questions about The Underground Strength Gym Licensing Course, feel free to call me at the gym or e mail me.

(732) 379-9370 ==> Leave me a message if I miss you, I will call back ๐Ÿ™‚

5 Responses

  1. No chalk.. that’s hardcore LOL. But seriously, those ropes are bad ass.

    I like this tip – always do what the majority will not do.

  2. GO Pierce! Running to the gym when you can’t get a ride, that’s awesome. Gladwell should have written about you in his book, Outliers.

    Great video Zach, a great way to start the day.

  3. Once again keeping me pumped up! HELL YEAH!

  4. haha “You’ll never make it to Hollywood son!”

    Zach you rock

  5. Yo dudes, Pierce is a bit crazy, ha ha, BUT, the kid works his tail off, and, I look forward to see how we cna change him by this summer as he preps for Football as soon as wrestling season is done!

    Stay tuned bruddahs!

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