Episode # 103: The Struggles & Success of Walt Disney & Milton Hershey


I filmed this episode a few hours after speaking with my mentor, Coach Ethan Reeve. I missed his annual strength symosium and we were chatting about how we are always trying new things, but, no matter what tools we have or don't have, we still find ways to make our athletes stronger and faster.

He brought up the story of Milton Hershey and Walt Disney, how they failed so many times before they became successful....

Once again, Coach Reeve inspires....

In this episode of The Underground Strength Show, you'll see two men who have created something the entire world knows about, yet both of them endured very hard times, bankruptcy, failure in business creation, lack of support from family & friends....

You name it, they ate shit many times....

Or, maybe they didn't...

Maybe it wasn't shit, maybe this was all part of the journey, and these two men understood that if they gave up and let adveristy rule their world that their dreams would remain just that, dreams.

Instead, they chose to take their visions and dreams and turn them into reality....


What about you?

Will you give up if you are bankrupt?

Will you allow friends and family to bring you down?

Will you lie down when adversity stares you dead square in the eyes?

Only YOU know the answer, BUT.....

Feel free to post your answers in the comments below.

I want ALL OF YOU to share, grow and learn not just from this video, but from all the answers below.

I have a funny feeling that many of you will help lift others, as I know that many times those closest to you don't even want you to succeed.

I want to see you kick ass, BUT, you MUST be more motivated than I am.

Kill it!

--Coach Z--

PS: A few spots left in the upcoming Underground Strength Coach Certification Course. Take advantage of the 6 pay offer I give at https://zacheven-esh.com/license.php

PPS: Don't wanna get certified? Still wanna kick ass? The Speed & Strength Empireย is the way to go, PLUS, you'll get a jam packed bonus audio interview with me in this kit, AND....if you order before midnight February 6th, you will get a 1 hr phone consult with me ($250 Value), all you gotta do is e mail me your receipt!


7 Responses

  1. Great post Z. That is clear, plain English “Get out there and kick a-s” I love it.
    Matt-if that is you in the youtube video, dude you are a beast hitting one-handed OH barbell snatches. Ruthless.

  2. Right on, Zach.

    That’s the key to being successful.
    Staying focused on your goal and never ever giving up.

    Get up, get out, and take massive action.

    Who cares if you fail, as long as you learn from your mistakes.

    Peace. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Zach, Thanks!!!! My husband and I own a small training gym. He was at your place a few weeks ago and had a kick ass time. This is what he needed to hear and from someone like you. The wife saying it just doesn’t cut it. One day soon, I’ll thank you in person.
    You’re awesome.

  4. KeithFine says:

    Zack your inspiration reaches far beyond the gym,keep it uo bro!!

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