Episode # 105: Start Your Kids the RIGHT Way!


Growing up I watched the movie Pumping Iron a million times. When I first got it, I must have watched the movie a dozen times in a row!

I seriously just kept rewinding the tape and watching it over and over and over....

I then finally got to see Raw Iron: Which were all the outtakes from Pumping Iron. Same thing....watching it over and over and over....

Today, there is something awesome out....

And, my 7 month old son is learning the RIGHT way!

Check this out.....


The movie is called STRONG. I was at Joe D's place a few times during the filming and they interviewed me and my athletes as well. You'll see some footage of a few of our Underground beasts as well.

This movie rocks, BIg time!

If you have kids, this is what you need to watch with them.

This is not just a movie on training athletes. It's about overcoming adveristy, about achieving your dream's and going for it, it's about family, love, friendship and commitment.

It's about what so many of us SHOULD stand for but unfortunately don't.

Check it out at http://STRONGmovie.com

This is the Pumping Iron of the Millenium!

Kill it!


PS: Got comments or questions? Post em' in the comments below! BOOYA baby!

PPS: I bought 30 copies of STRONG to give as gifts to our athletes at The Underground Strength Gym! Nice, eh?

2 Responses

  1. great video featuring the “young buck” kid!!

    i’ve been training my oldest daughter isabelle (you can meet her here – http://www.hulsestrength.com/mini-van/) with some of the CrossFit For Kids workouts.

    i think these are pretty good for the young-ins and they are age appropriate.

    since she is not the most athletic little princess, i just keep her pumped with games and stuff too.


  2. Dude I love it haha, his eyes are just like bam I am a star haha.

    Where are the PVC barbells at and stuff haha, better keep those stability balls away from him he might start to like yoga and crap next!

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