Episode # 110: The Prowler Challenge


My homeboy Joe DeFranco said this about The Prowler:

"This thing has kicked more ass than Randy Couture"

How true he is.

This workout was nuts. 10 dude blasting away on box squats.

Then, as the atmosphere was getting crazier and crazier, I had to unleash the beasts and get them outside, regardless of the cold.

They were game, so off we went.

I had no predetermined sets or time limit.

We would go until someone quit or vomited.

Watch and see what or which happens first! 

Kill it!

--Coach Z--

PS: This JUST in! Pat Rigsby told me that he and a few other bruddahs from http://GetProGrade.com would be down for sponsoring slightly over 1/2 the tuition for 2 peeps who wanna attend this weekend's Underground Strength Coach Certification. That means you 2 peeps will have the opportunity to explain why they should be chosen for this sponsorship and will have 2 payment of $ 250, rather than 6 payments of $ 199. Stay tuned for video on this manana.

PPS: This week (Wednesday or Thursday) I will announce the resale rights to the 5 DVD Set of Bodyweight Training DVDs. I will announce slightly earlier via http://twitter.com/zevenesh

2 Responses

  1. GREAT VID! very much passion. I also would love to have a prowler.

    for now I have my sled, but I’m killin it! great great tool for every athlete

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