Episode # 112: Prowler Remains Victorious


*** WARNING ***

There is a lot of language and footage here NOT for those under 18 or for those easily offended.

Seriously, if you are a complainer when cursing and emotions fly during intense workouts, don't watch this video.

If you, however, understand that this happens and don't give a sh*t, then feel free to watch!


That Prowler ALWAYS kicks somebody's ass!

I always said, "You gotta be in shape".

You have to be strong AND highly conditioned.

It always helps.

What are your thoughts on this video? Would love to hear them all.

Post em' below and Kill it!


PS: For you biz owners out there, get ready, I'm about to release the resale rights to a 5 DVD Bodyweight Training Set. Shortly afterwards I'll be offering it for those who want to use it for strength and fitness. It's packed w/243 exercises!

Follow me at http://twitter.com/zevenesh & stay tuned! Tomorrow or Friday is THE day!


2 Responses

  1. Z,

    Crazy stuff mate..

    I’m lookin forward to May when I’ll be in NJ… hoping to swing by and check your place out LIVE and in person…

    Keep em comin bro


    Adam Toohey

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