Onward and upward we go bruddahs....
The next part of the workout was a couplet or superset:
1 arm dumbbell push press for 3 -5 reps per set
scare crow - face pull combo using rings or blast straps (these can even be done with the climbing ropes I have hanging in the gym)
Check out the previous videos to see how the workout started and progresses.
Heavy overhead work was actually a mainstay in the programs of bodybuilders and lifters alike from the 1960's and prior. The bench press gained popularity once the golden era of bodybuilding came into life during the 1970's.
Our overhead work usually is in the lower rep range of 1 - 5 reps, most often 3 - 5 reps.
Check out the beasts, many of them worked up to 85 lb dumbbells and heavier.
Scarey Matt Wichlinski rocked the 150 and 130! That's SERIOUS STRENGTH!
I'll be connecting with Matt to do an audio interview for http://UndergroundStrengthCoach.com - stay tuned!
These guys went through some serious program design strategies and methods.
It doesn't matter so much what you do, as many of us do certain movements, but it's HOW you put it all together!
Kill it!
PS: This is a special AND rare offer. It's a 30 day trial membership to The Underground for only $1. I'm hooking you up, but, do NOT take this offer if you're not serious about strength. This is a special site devoted to being strong as hell, click HERE if you want some.
PPS: If you have a passion for training and want to skip all the mistakes and avoid wasting your hard earned time & money then the Underground Strength Coach Certification is for you. Click HERE to register for the April 25 - 26 USC Cert. They ALL sell out, don't procrastinate!
4 Responses
YEA! Matt Whichinski (sp?)
There is NUTTHIN wrong with being STRONG!
Tiptop Zach! If was from you’re neck of the woods I would ripping it up big time in your underground gym! I love too train!!!!! I weigh 75kg and can do power shoulder press with 3xsets 5reps with 22kg Dumbbells and 45kg on the Barbell 3xsets 5xReps… definatly getting stronger…and lovin it! π
DAMN, Matt went to town on those dumbbells!! That is serious strength, nice work!!
Still murderin it! HA!