Episode # 139: Vintage York Barbell Gym Tour, Part II


Woops, almost forgot about this BEAUTY thanks to my insane schedule 🙂

Check out this beautiful vintage gym in a south jersey basement.

I snagged about 600 lbs of vintage strength weights from this gentleman. I need to clean them up a tad and my son will be getting 4 or 5 VERY vintage York barbells for him to use.

Could there be anything more amazing than some old york weights in your hands? OK, never mind, don't answer that question.

Anyway, check this amazing video, and if you love vintage strength, you will REALLY love the vintage strength system I stumbled upon from the early 1900's. It's awesome, period. Check it HERE.

I also came across some VERY vintage strength equipment over the weekend at my buddy's place, Skiba's Barbell Club. Wait till that video comes out, it'll give you goose bumps I tell ya!

If you have a passion for strength I know you will be blown away with what I found inside The Russian Lion Power Course HERE.

Stay tuned for more strength training, muscle building, and who knows what other adventures in strength I'll be bringing you! It NEVER gets dull around here that's for sure!



Reccomended Resources:

http://UndergroundKettlebells.com (On Sale)

3 Responses

  1. Joe Chizek says:

    Nice Z!
    I whish I had some of that old school stuff. I always had awesome workouts with old rusty weights compared to these new flashy weight rooms that are going up. Thanks for the vid.

  2. Big Zach! Yo we missed you out at Ryan Lee’s event this weekend – We put together a good group of the up and comers in the industry and all got a chance to hang out –

    Hope to see you at Fast Track in a couple weeks – Keep killing it with the old school training vids – I loved this guy’s set-up –

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