Your legs are your foundation.
Wanna be stronger, faster, bigger, speed up your metabolism and increase full body strength?
The answer is to stimulate the body through TOUGH leg training. There are no two ways about it or around it.
Recently, my homeboy Joe D inspired me to begin doing what he coined "Prowler Suicides"
Unfortunately, the Prowler Suicide Challenge emerged and our athletes were shocked to say the least, check out the vid...
Every group cranked races of The Prowler Suicide Challenge in an effort to win the rare t shirts from The Lost Secrets of Strength Seminar (DVD's will be available late June, stay tuned!)
We take lower body training VERY seriously.
Sleds and prowlers are regulars in our training regime.
When I was younger I was obsessed with lower body training.
I used to copy some crazy leg workouts that were fabricated in the magazines, and it wasn't odd for me to do an hour of squats, an hour of leg presses, etc.
I would end up doing 30 - 40 sets of squats and leg presses! Craziness I tell ya 🙂
If you want to stimulate the release of more growth hormone you need to crank some serious leg training.
In turn, your entire body will reap the rewards and benefits of intense lower body work.
What was my lower body workout like today?
I was cranking heavy barbell zercher squats and then my gym neighbor asked me to help him move his truck. So I wound up pushing around the parking lot his 1970's old pick up truck, GREAT for the legs, upper back, shoulders and triceps!
Want more training methods to develop muscle and strength that shocks others, check this out!
--Coach Z--
5 Responses
The prowler is no joke by itself. Mix it up with suicides and you have crazy prowler flu going on! My legs are still tight from the Seminar.
Zach-Ohh, man, I had to take my lap top in the gym to show my young bucks what it’s like to turn into beast!!! Yeah, bruddah, make sure you tell your young beast the K-Man is real proud of them. I love the intensity of that prowler suicide challenge.
Love it!
Awesome stuff!
Don’t know if my tire would be good for that. I’ll have to look at making a prowler, as the price is way too steep for me.
Great training tool.
thanx guys
walter, maybe use a tire for a sled and do the sprints with it
wont be perfect, but it’ll do for now 🙂
time 4 me to rock the prowler, more to come on this guys!
Love this! I am working the lower half of the body alot harder these days. I will be 25 again!!!
Thanks for sharing I appreciate every bit!!!
Peace and Killer strength
Erica Rae