Episode # 25 – Another Playground Assault


If you're not training and tearing it up at the local playground, you're missing out!

Check this vid...


Get outdoors, you need the fresh air! Then, tell us about your playground workout and post your exercises, sets, reps, etc - share with the world!

Kill it!

--Coach Z--

PS: There is about 34 hrs left on THIS.

PPS: The Underground Strength Coach contest will be announced shortly. Watch your e mails!

11 Responses

  1. You must of scared away all the little children. And get yourself a goddamn tripod.

  2. This gives me a great idea on what to do at the park. I have one like 2 blocks away that has some cool apparatuses. I can’t wait to go there and try it out.

  3. Zach- Love your work- I would like to know which 15 min workout you selected for the E-Book prize. You had your top 4 and then no response. I would like to preview your new E-Book if possible so I can feature it on my website. http://www.enhancedfp.com- Your Underground Follower- Morgan

  4. Working out on a camping trip, similar sort of thing…….

    I’m from a boxing/martial arts background, sesion went like this:

    Warm up 8 minute walk to play area carrying kettle bells(16k)

    Set one 30 sec double leg springs onto bench, 2 x one leg squats on bench, one leg off the bench, 30sec full deep squats,

    Set two 30 sec 2 hand kettle bell swings, 2 x 30 sec KB Clean and Press, 30 sec figure 8s,

    Set three 30 sec wide chins, 30 sec push ups,

    1 minute recovery and go through it 3 times. Last set was shorter because my brother in law was training with me and I was pressed for time and needed to keep it simple!
    The boxing mentality has bred this type of trining into me for years, traditional weights sessions seem to involve too much hanging around.This way keeps it short, sharp and most importantly, intense.
    I like what you are doing and promoting, rwal life/world fitness.


  5. mitch – awesome workout brother, 8 minutes of KB carries! ouch!

    dave – i announced YOU as the winner sometime ago bro, your e mail bounced back when i tried to connect w/you, but, your gift is on the way!

    – rob – i have a tri pod, it’s like 3″ high though, ha ha!

    – cory, u da man for always posting

    – halen, get to the park and kill it bro!

    don’t forget guys, i have a coooooool underground contest coming soon…we’ll announce it monday the latest!

  6. Love doing the playground training. Last Sunday I took my kids to the park and worked out while they played: 10 rounds of 10 pushups, 20 squats, 5 dips or 5 chin ups (alternate each set), 5 burpees. Rest 30 seconds between rounds. The kids are used to it. Keep it coming, Zach; your site and vids rule.

  7. Zach,

    That looks like Oakland Park in Metuchen. I have trained many kids there in the past. Great stuff!


  8. keep up the workout footage zach!!-all in all it’s very inspiring and fun to watch.

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